The price is a little bit out of my current budget so I'll either have to wait until the price comes down or save up for a few months.
I may wait for the official wireless adapter to come out later in the year anyway as then I can do both upgrades at once and move my VR stuff into a bigger space away from my PC so I stop hitting the corner of my case.
^^ I'm in the same boat as yourself, i would also like to know.
Another problem is if i do get the vive pro i will be stuck with a useless vive 1 headset, what to do ?
From what I've read, opinion seems pretty split over whether the resolution increase is significant. As for the whole package, Linus seems very firmly on one side of the fence...I'm considering it, but would like to hear from someone who was a long time vive user and has made the jump. Is the resolution increase noticeable / is immersion better / games more fun? etc. Not too caught up on the cost (although it is obviously a consideration.)
First impressions...
Not had long on it yet due to the controllers running out of charge
The SDE is pretty much none existent. You can see it if you really look for it, but it's nowhere near the level of the normal vive. For me, with the vive, it was like I was looking through a course mesh - that doesn't occur here.
Is it perfect? No. But with the vast reduction of the SDE, things look more "solid" and there is a definite sensation of presence. Such as when in Vive home, you can see the light reflecting off the wooden floor - the detail in the leaves waving in the breeze and birds flying over - it creates an immersion that wasn't there for me with the first headset.
Regarding the headset, it's much more robust. It feels like a quality product (as it should for that price!) and much more comfortable. I had the deluxe strap on the old vive, but this feels much better.
When the controllers are charged, I'll try out all my old games and report back.