While I'm waiting for Crysis Warhead to install I thought I'd post some pics of my updated build now that the GTX260 is in.
Here's the card minus the stock cooler and with some RAM heatsinks that I've added;
It's quite a bit longer than the 8800GTS that it replaces but as you can see there are more memory chips and the core is much bigger.
Once installed it looks like this;
I had to order a different centre plate for the water block as the hole centres are much further apart on this card.
It's the first time I've put a picture in here with the Asus Xonar HDAV1.3 installed too.
I've plugged in an extra PCI-E power loom to my modular Enermax PSU as these cards have two power connectors. There are some 4-pin to 6-pin adapters in the box if you need them but for me it was a no-brainer with this PSU.
It's a little tight with the connectors on the side of the card, there's just enough room under the DVD drive if you push the cables down flat.
Anyway, off to play some Warhead which seems to be playing very nicely in 5.1 via the HDAV.