HTPC and watercooling - A Build Log

Like that build a lot may have to try water cooling my htpc after seeing yours.

The only difference being just the cpu needs cooling as the graphic card is passive and low powered.

I reckon it's doable with the S21T. I was thinking of getting one and doing it in pretty much the same way as I have with the CW02. I just wasn't prepared to spend nearly £900 on a case!

very nice build there dude

Thanks chap. :)
I reckon it's doable with the S21T. I was thinking of getting one and doing it in pretty much the same way as I have with the CW02. I just wasn't prepared to spend nearly £900 on a case!

Thanks chap. :)

Looking at your case you have so much more room than me as the motherboard goes right under the hard drive cage so leaves very little space for water cooling.
That is one very nice build, amazing how you can fit so much in that tiny box :o

Actually it's massive compared to my last build!


Absolutely brilliant. I'd love to transfer my kit to a similar sort of case, but I can't justify the expenditure right now.:(
Nice looking build, the rad on the side doesn't look too bad either.

Yeah it was ok at the time, probably 2 years ago or more, but I've since changed most of the components and added some cards so the rad on the side had to go. Then the Q9550 was added and the cooling wasn't sufficient, and the noise from the GPU cooler was doing my head in. Hence the new build with the CW02 case which I'm really pleased with so far.
While I'm waiting for Crysis Warhead to install I thought I'd post some pics of my updated build now that the GTX260 is in.

Here's the card minus the stock cooler and with some RAM heatsinks that I've added;


It's quite a bit longer than the 8800GTS that it replaces but as you can see there are more memory chips and the core is much bigger.

Once installed it looks like this;



I had to order a different centre plate for the water block as the hole centres are much further apart on this card.

It's the first time I've put a picture in here with the Asus Xonar HDAV1.3 installed too.

I've plugged in an extra PCI-E power loom to my modular Enermax PSU as these cards have two power connectors. There are some 4-pin to 6-pin adapters in the box if you need them but for me it was a no-brainer with this PSU.

It's a little tight with the connectors on the side of the card, there's just enough room under the DVD drive if you push the cables down flat.

Anyway, off to play some Warhead which seems to be playing very nicely in 5.1 via the HDAV. :D
It wasn't really noticeable until I did the 18w mod. I can hear it now from my sofa, when everything is quiet, but it's not unbearable.

I'll be switching to a res/pump combo and standard cpu block soon. Not just because of the pump noise but also to see if I can get better cooling.
Liking the new setup :)

But I'm more interested in your old setup with the LC03 - any more details? (Another thread etc to save clogging up this one?)
Bought a Dtek Fusionv2, with quad nozzle, from PaulyD this week in readiness for changing the loop over. :)


I gave it a little once over on the surface table at work but didn't go too mad with the polishing.


All I need now is to get my hands on an XSPC res/top for my DDC pump.
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I thought I'd drop some screenshots of my Vista Media Centre build into this thread as it goes hand in hand with the hardware build.

Menu edited with the brilliant MC Menu Mender.



There's lots of Media Browser screenshots around but here's mine.





And the excellent TunerfreeMCE for easy access to online TV content


Righty ho then. Got the Dtek block and XSPC top and res installed and I'm well pleased. :)



The temps aren't really any lower, which TBH I was expecting, but the 18w DDC pump is now completely inaudible! All I can hear now is the water moving around (I think it needs bleeding better) and even a bit of hard drive noise. :eek: It really is all about the mounting for keeping the DDC pumps quiet and I think having the large reservoir of water on top of it helps too.

I also decided that it was time I tried to push my Q9550 further.


3.8Ghz with 1.28vcore from a C1 stepping is pretty pleasing. Lots of people around are needing 1.35-1.4v to get there with these. It's just a shame that my cooling can't handle the temps for 24/7 use. I'm getting near to 80c in IBT unfortunately. I'm going to stick with 3.6Ghz for now as that only needs 1.24vcore.
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That looks really nice setup, make me want HTPC even tho not gonna use :D

Still want WC one day for my setup when i feel brave enough :D
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