HTPC and watercooling - A Build Log

Thanks willy. :)

Looks like you're getting pretty nice clocks as you are.

Edit; Crikey, over 1600 views and no one's rated my thread. :(
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How hot do the mosfets on your graphics card get in use? Doesn't look like you've put ram sinks on them. GPUz will tell you what temp they are.
I'm pretty sure that I just put ramsinks on everything that the stock cooler was in contact with. If they need it though I've got some more.

I don't know which is relevant to the mosfets?

Strange, I have a gtx280 and in addition to the sensors in your screengrab, on mine it shows several VDDC sensor readings, which are all related to the mosfets, or vrms as it were. On my heavily overclocked card the VDDC temps go upto 90°C when after aone run of furmark, this is with individual copper mosfet sinks on them with a fan blowing over. In normal games they max out in the 50's. Are you sure there were no thermal pads towards the right hand end of your car when you took the stock sink off? I didn't think the 260 was that radically different to the 280.
Update. Picked up an E0 and now my cooling system can handle 3.8ghz 24/7. Sadly my P35 board won't do 470 fsb.


Also, got a 5850 on order that should be here later on in the week :)
So are you going replace your sound card and use this instead for bit-streaming hd audio. looking forward to your review for the audio side of things :)
Yeah, that's the idea. Hopefully I can test it with the demo version of PDVD and have some results by the end of the week.

I'm trying to find out what the dimensions are for the hole centres around the core on the 5850 so I can check if my block will fit. Having trouble finding out though.
Thanks Gammawolf, too many pics though do you think?

Mods, could you put a warning in the title please?

Ah well, here's another! :p I've added an Intel SSD, another 120.1 rad and a full cover EK block on the 5850. :)


The next plan is to move the HDDs to a NAS and pop another 92mm rad in there.

I've also managed to get HD audio bitstreaming to my amp from mkv files in media center, which makes the new 5850 an even more pleasing purchase. :D

If anyone is interested in doing this just PM me and I'll fill you in.
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