I Apologize to all.

26 Dec 2004
I owned "Mass Effect" from day of release, i played it for a few hours, and thought to myself it was utter dog ****.

I had no other game on my shelf to play, and decided to give it a second chance.

And im glad i did, one of the best games i own out of the 30 on my shelf, absolutely brilliant i cannot wait for Mass Effect 2 :)

I apologize for insulting this game, ive just completed it, brilliant game! loved every minute :)

I played it for a bout 10 minutes and thought the same as you but think ill reinstall it and give it another bash!

Mate its a bit hard to get your head around, but my god its such a good game, i lent my copy top my mate after i had the 1st go, and he convinced me try it again, its good, just stick with it!
Mass Effect is a quality game, like yourself i never really got round to playing it til a while after it was released but once i did i was hooked! Bring on Mass Effect 2!
I tried 3 times to get into it... Still didn't work for me. Made up about 20 hours of gameplay time on the last attempt, just found it boring and repetative :(

Sounds like such an awsome game and I regret I couldn't get along with it :(

This seems to be "The Mass Effect Effect" :)

I found myself struggling with it initially and nearly gave up, as did many colleagues who got it on release. Once I made it past the initial 3 or so hours, cleared up Citadel Station quests and made it out on the Normandy, however, it became hands down one of the most immersive, cinematic and quite frankly amazing gaming experiences I've ever had.

Love it.
I just couldn't seem to get in to this. Don't know what it was because before I purchased it, it looked like a really awesome game. I guess I didn't give it enough chance.
I wish people would stop using American spelling

I can see how this is Mass Effect related!!

@topic: Loved Mass Effect, I hadnt heard anything about it when it first came out, but when I was ordering some other game at the time the Shop guy said if I had preordered it, I thought "Why not?" got it played it for well over 100hours on a lot of characters.
i got fed up with the difficulty... :/ maybe im jsut carp at games like this lol.

possible spoiler!

im stuck on the part where you have to kill benezia and her guards. they just swamp me and my other two characters and we die.
Its obviously a good game, and for most of the... 18 hours I spent playing it, I enjoyed it. However its nowhere near as good as the crazed internet makes it out to be.

If I had to compare it to a movie, I'd have to say Underworld. All flash, good looking and "new" and tries to give off a "deeper" meaning to things, but in the end its nothing but shallow and badly paced and directed.

The characters where lifeless and hollow and had no depth. I felt nothing, no sense of empathy toward them at all. I mean you've only got to look at the "love scene" which pretty much sums the whole game up, an attempt at being something it just hasn't got the legs for. If they want me to go "who~w" just because they put a bit of naked alien leg and love music on my monitor, then they've got to at least give me more than 1 side of A4 paper worth of dialog on the character histories and relationships instead of a few sentences that unlock after every planet or so... oh yeah, and by planet, they really mean a small camp or building of some sort.

I hate hearing about its awesomeness by people who're blinded by flashy lights and bare legged alien "love" scenes which by some mythical strange turn of events, appears to equal "mature" in some minds.

...as you can tell I have issues with this game :p
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