I feel like I'm... done with gaming?

I'm done with gaming, except VR. Which just leaves me with Elite Dangeeous.

I understand that there's some great games out there, but Steam seems just so full of crud, there's nothing else to interest me, and VR has spoilt me about the visual experience.
If you can even force yourself to play through the first hour of Quantum Break, it should be enough for the story to wet your appetite. The whole time travel / time loops and that whole concept blows my mind so if that's the sort of thing you can appreciate it then it's worth enduring the game just for the story, it's as good as any movie you could watch imo.

Yeah, that does sound like the sort of thing I'd go for. I'll see if I can get into it with a few beers when I have some time. Cheers.

As an adult, you want to play games that are intellectually stimulating. Portal was a breath of fresh air., for example. Great game.

Personally, i find myself playing more Strategy/Puzzle/Simulation games with the occasional title from another genre worth it's salt. Basically, i want to play smarter games. Too many titles these days are dumbed down to stupid levels.

Also, doing the following may help:

1) Stop playing games for a while. Don't force yourself to play. Take up another hobby. Try something new, then come back to it.

2) Limit yourself to one platform. I did this years ago, as a result i play more and find gaming more enjoyable as that platform (PC) gets all my attention. There are too many games out there now, I'm not going to play everything and neither are you. You'll be better off in your pocket too.

3) Be more strict when it comes to game purchases. If you have a huge backlog, don't buy new games until you've gotten through most of it. Be honest and ask yourself: Do i need this? Am i really going to play it? Is it just going to sit in my backlog? Also, narrow down the genres you'll play now, not what the teenage you would play. Your gaming tastes change as you get older. You need to identify what works now for you and what doesn't.

4) If you have a massive catalogue of games, discipline yourself to only play one or two at a time. Pick the one or two you really, really want to play, add them to your favourite list (or equivalent) and don't look back. Once these games have been complete (or close to it), repeat the cycle.

5) If you don't like the game, dump it instantly, no one should settle for mediocrity. Play something worth your time.

Yeah, I did love Portal as well. And I have only ever gamed on PC (well, since I sold my old Amiga!), and I'm definitely not purchasing new games.

I'm not really missing gaming I don't think, but I did think I'd use the time more productively. But whilst I have done a fair bit more reading and work in the evenings, mostly I've been binge watching TV series and films. Which is okay, I guess.

I'm not really sure I even want to get back into games, tbh. They ate up a lot of my time, especially over Christmas, and I did get a bit too addicted to some. Not sure really, it's just odd how remarkably suddenly I went off them. Maybe it's Dark Souls III's fault! :)
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Also, I realised when I saw a random link to it that I am still looking forward to Tropico 6. I never particularly got into city builders/God games since the original Populous, but I really enjoyed the Tropico games (well, from 3 onwards anyway, when I first discovered them).
Trying one last go at gaming again.
Was On the verge of selling my desktop then decided to stick a 1070 in. Literally had all the parts listed on ebay.
So I'm going to Try a few new games and see if I like it.
If not, at least I tried.

Is very strange.
Was about 30 when I lost interest to a great extent. Don't know why.

Play civ still before bed, and rocket league because it's quick. But not much else.
Why would you sell your desktop? There's plenty else you can do on it besides gaming. Most of my time on my desktop is spent not gaming.
Since I built my first gaming PC back in 2004, I've been pretty keen gamer. Also during my childhood and adolescence a fair bit earlier on the Spectrum and Amiga.

I always looked forward to my Xmas gaming binges, took time off around my birthday to do some gaming, and generally always had a game on the go even if I didn't manage to eke out much time to play.

Earlier this year, though, something odd happened. I was at the point just before the last boss of Dark Souls III when, all of a sudden... I just couldn't be bothered going any further.

I installed Life is Strange: Beyond the Storm, but only got 15 minutes in before I completely lost the desire to play (and I was a huge fan of the first one).

It was like a switch just flipped in my brain that totally removed my interest in games. I've looked through my game libraries and wishlists, but I feel... nothing. Not the slightest desire to play anything. Complete lack of interest for most of this year (I've played Fortnite with my kids, but that's more to share an activity with them than me really enjoying it).

I am really quite surprised by this, but not dismayed, I don't think. This isn't intended to be another help me get back into gaming thread. In fact I think I've probably used my time better since this happened. I'm basically curious if anyone else has experienced this. I'm 42, so maybe I'm just past gaming? I really didn't think this would happen - I'd envisioned myself playing Original Sin 20 or Far Cry 30 in my 70s!

You are not alone... I am at the same age and feel quite the same for the last couple of years. I think its a combination of events. We are getting older and since most games are repetitions of the past, its getting more difficult to find something interesting. I am totally fed up with FPS and action games and now I can be only attracted by some strategy games that have some kind of difficulty or thinking inside (Total War, XCOM, Football Manager and lately Battletech).
Also as someone else mentioned, sometimes playing some indy games on my TV and HTPC at my couch can be refreshing (but not to a long extent...).
I'm 36 and kinda feel the same way, I used to play quakeworld constantly all the way through to Q3, then onto CS and lately Overwatch and so many games, been playing games most of my life - I even work for a very large gaming company (most of you play our titles :p) and I've pretty much had it with big games as in FPS/etc... However I would say that far more recently I've been enjoying playing small indie games, specifically factorio - but not very much.. I tend to be more interested in going outside now and seeing the outdoors than staying in all weekend eating pizza and gaming,
Well I`m nearly 49 and still playing games. I've had a home computer since I was 5. Just completed Far Cry 5. I've got back into World of Warships again so been playing that when I want a quick play. I've still got Frostpunk, Metal Gear Survive, State of Decay 2, Zero K, For Honor, The Crew 2 Beta, Battletech, and newly relaunched Wreckfest to play on my desktop. Not upgraded my PC in what seems like ages and no real need. My two sons are currently shouting at each other playing Fornite (even though they both have headphones on and mics in a private chat) and I've just dipped in and played in a team with them. Sometimes play FIFA 18 against one of my sons. I dont see me ever tiring of it but then again I dont just play games on my PC.
Gaming is fun when you're a teenager. You're in your learning zone and become absorbed and immersed in new things.
As an adult, it's too much like hard work, especially when you've been at work all day/week.
I'm in the "tired of gaming" corner I think. I usually only play 1 or 2 games now whenever I fancy it. Usually consists of madden on the Xbox or maybe something like tropico/surviving mars.

I just don't have the time to "get gud" at most games. Always look forward to a new release but 90% of the time I'm bored after 10ish hours of the decent ones.

Im more than happy to just sub to Xbox game pass and play the odd thing on there. Seriously been considering selling my PC. It just gathers dust.
Im in the same boat as most, got a bit fed up of gaming but also i found it a big distraction from learning new technologies to further my career, uninstalled steam and discord about 2 weeks ago and i honestly have not missed any of it at all.
I was about half way through writing my first album in February with the aim of releasing it in July around my 39th Birthday. Then a couple of mates got me to install PUBG and all my spare time went into that. It was some of the best gaming I've done for years it was amazing playing with them but all work on my music stopped. Now it is nearly July and I'm kind of gutted. I have no chance to release the album and finding it very hard to get back into finishing off everything.

Post Scriptum is also on the horizon which I am looking forward to playing.

Other than that games rarely hold my attention at all now and it's clear how much they are a time wasting distraction. I have played games since I was 6, must have put hundreds of thousands of hours into them and as I near 40 wonder if it was the right decision.
Yeah, I did love Portal as well. And I have only ever gamed on PC (well, since I sold my old Amiga!), and I'm definitely not purchasing new games.

I'm not really missing gaming I don't think, but I did think I'd use the time more productively. But whilst I have done a fair bit more reading and work in the evenings, mostly I've been binge watching TV series and films. Which is okay, I guess.

I'm not really sure I even want to get back into games, tbh. They ate up a lot of my time, especially over Christmas, and I did get a bit too addicted to some. Not sure really, it's just odd how remarkably suddenly I went off them. Maybe it's Dark Souls III's fault! :)

Couple of years ago I went through something similar. Ditched all my consoles and just stopped playing on the PC. I ended up reading, tabletop games (with the family) and watching TV with the wife and enjoyed.

About a year ago I got back into gaming again but in a much reduced manner. I probably play an hour a day (if that) have the occasional binge but I'm enjoying it again though I pretty much exclusively play strategy games with the odd RPG chcuked in.

You'll probably find the hankering again after a bit but don't try forcing yourself to play in the mean time, not worth it.
Those of you who frequent the Relationships thread will know that I'm in the process of getting divorced. The prospect of being able to indulge my gaming habit at will - a habit which has persisted since the days of the BBC Micro, through the Amiga/Atari ST, Sega MegaDrive, PS1 and the original XBox to my current PC - without guilt and domestic strife, was one of the few 'up' sides to the situation.

The reality has been different - my desire to play games has never been lower. For example, I'm completely burnt-out on World of Warcraft, which is the game I've probably played the longest in all my gaming years - I found getting one toon to 110 in Legion such a tedious process I immediately lost any desire to do it again with my alts and even then, that single 110 is woefully under-geared. None of the previous expansions ever made me feel that way and I always had multiple max-level alts.

I really don't know what's behind it - it could be one or more of several factors:
  • the aforementioned ability to indulge the habit either coinciding with or, perhaps worse, bringing about a complete loss of desire to indulge said habit
  • my PC is pretty ancient by modern standards and won't play the latest stuff at a playable frame rate - from memory, it's an i7 quad-core with a GTX 760 card (stop sniggering at the back :D) - but it will handle the likes of WoW, Diablo 3 et al quite happily
  • I've taken up weight-training since the end of January and I'm wondering if, subconsciously, my brain just considers this to be a more worthwhile (and certainly healthier) way of spending my free time
My brother, also an avid gamer for just as long as me, said he's had periods in life where his desire to play has completely disappeared, only to come back with a vengeance months later. It's the first time I've ever had this kind of lull, so with that in mind, I'm optimistic I'll go the same way, especially once the dust settles on my domestic situation - once I have my own place sorted, I'm planning to purchase a completely new gaming rig, something a damn sight nearer the cutting edge. I'm hoping that knowing I've got the hardware to handle a modern release will 're-ignite the fire', so to speak ...
Maybe it's the games that are the problem. Nothing new or innovative enough to grab your attention. Most of the new games these days are not doing it for me and I always keep going back to the good old games, RTCW, Resident Evil series, Dead Space ETC. Overwatch is the only recent game that I am currently playing. (I'm 47 by the way)
I lost my love for gaming back in 2011, and sold my gaming PC and bought a Mac. I was on a Mac until end of 2017. I decided I wanted a change so built a gaming PC and got into Destiny 2. To start it was fresh and exciting being back, but as time goes on, the same thing is happening. It hasn't taken long, but I honestly don't enjoy playing the games I have (The Division, Witcher 3, Destiny 2). I look at gaming news of up coming games and look at popular suggestions on here and I feel nothing, no excitement.

I think part of it is due to getting older. I guess as a younger me my imagination and appetite for games was huge, as was my free time. Now I enjoy other things, and playing a game feels forced, just because I have a gaming PC. I plan to keep the PC anyway, but I may decide to sell my GPU and get a nicer monitor + swap all the gamer orientated hardware for more subtle versions.. or I may go back to Mac if they release some decent hardware in September.
Yeah, I don't know what it is. Possibly getting older, possibly just feeling so much is derivative these days.

I've tried playing Quantum Break as it looks like the sort of game I'd like, but I've kind of had to force myself through the first couple of hours and it's making me wonder why I'm bothering.

I am still looking forward to Tropico 6, but nothing else that I can think of.

I now have a quiet PC (compared to my mega-fan gaming jet engine noise machine I used to have) that's also low-power at idle, and I might even just ditch my expensive and thirsty 980Ti for a passive card if I don't feel like playing any more games over the next six months or so...
I lose interest from time to time but usually a result of being busy with work and family and not having enough free time to get deep into a game. The wife doesn't seem to understand a couple of hours on some massive RPG doesn't get you that far. :)

Zelda has been probably 90% of my gaming time since last March, the portable aspect of the Switch has made it the most convenient platform for me. And man it's such a good game.

Like others have said it might just be finding the right game, I've not played much on my PC for a long time until I took the plunge (pun intended) and purchased Subnautica.
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