I feel Sad :(

Take some time out to grieve if you need to.

Repressing it may only string it out and feeling like you haven't done his memory justice.

Talk to a pastoral tutor of some kind at uni, get some advice, see what avenues you have.

I know the feeling of having kept to myself for too long and thinking everyone else is busy. It's hard when you're not feeling it to just put yourself out in the middle of it.

It can help to find something new. I'm going to recommend dancing as I always do - but there are plenty of other groups of people that do stuff, who'll welcome in someone new - have a look at the uni societies list and get in contact with one of them :)
They did ask me if I wanted to take my final year out, which I am in. I declined and said I rather finish the year. I have been granted mitigation, and I am steadily getting alone with the work.

I think I just need to get into a good routine, and do plenty of exercise. I do think I am kind of selfish feeling sad, even though of what's happened in Japan. Just going to soldier it out and chin up.

Thanks for the replies. :)
Feeling sad isn't a bad thing. You're allowed to grieve. Death is part of life and missing a loved one is only natural. Just don't beat yourself up about it.

Exercise will help, and if you can lump it into something social (like, a running/badminton/general sports club) then you don't have to worry about those friends who appear to be too busy.

Yes there's big stuff happening in Japan but people are resilient - in the midst of disaster the survival instinct kicks in. They'll be OK.

Take your time mate, it's not worth bottling, finish the year but don't force yourself to forget.
As of late I've been starting to feel very down. I think my Father passing away has finally hit me. I thought I could deal with it, but guess I'm finding it rather difficult. I'm trying my best at University as well, but finding it difficult, I just end up drifting off into other thoughts.

Can you guys cheer me up :(

Hit the bottle for a couple of weeks, bleed it out of you system.

People will tell you it's a **** solution, but whenever really bad things get me down I drop everything, go on a two-week bender and wake up somewhere somehow feeling much better for it.

Mind you, everybody has their own coping mechanisms. What works for one person might not work for everybody else.
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