well after a month with my CTC Bizer, I'm a lot more knowledgeable but have no decent prints lol.
Compared to the quality of the wanhao i3 prints above its severely lacking and has had no end of issues.
1. The instructions said to load the left extruder only if using a single head, this had the bonus of the right nozzle being slightly lower and smashing into the print as it crossed which was amazing. Solved this by lowering the hotend assembly which was fine until problem 2.
2. Clogging! I suppose most of you would expect more than 2 prints (about 3 hours total printing) before a nozzle clog, well not with this beauty! Hence me going to forums, finding out the stock filament guides arent worth the plastic they're made from and ordering a new spring loaded filament guide and a set of new hotends to attempt to clear the clogging issue for good. Issue 3 arises.
3. It doesn't fit! Well the filament guide does, just, but the hotend is about 5-6mm too long for the bed height adjustment. I think I've got around that by winding the bed fully down and raising the extruder fully up. The result? A resounding crunch as the nozzle buries itself into the glass print bed. Now that the print bed is in a thousand pieces its probably time to order a new one. Problem 4.
4. I didn't get far enough through the calibration, let alone into a print to find problem 4, I took the extruder barrel into work and shortened it by approx 8mm to allow me to clear the new print bed. That was easy and the cal was carried out fine. 10 mins into a print I notice that the hotend has a huge blob of plastic on it, as the nozzle doesn't seal properly. Tried tightening it up a few times to no effect, replaced with original barrel and nozzle after cleaning them out.
And low and behold it works again!!!! SORT OF. I replaced the blue tape rubbish with a build tak cover, its great, its so good I cant separate my prints from it lol. Oh and 89% of the way through a build the printer disconnected itself and couldnt resume (at approx 45 minute mark). I'm led to believe this is a common USB issue so might try from SD card next to see if that works.
Its been a stressful 4 weeks and I definitely wouldn't recommend the bizer to anybody.