I got me 3D printer, awesome!

Another good video :)

Thanks :-), I do feel that my videos are a bit rushed and lack more in-depth information, unfortunately with a full time job and without a dedicated space at home to make videos (For now) I'm happy with them and making them regular is good.

Hi all,

And another NFire 1 video, looking at wiring for the PSU cover and heated bed.

If you haven't alread pls sub to my channel, i'm having a giveaway in 19 sub time!!!




I got me a printer, cheap chinese clone but it seems to be doing the job. Printed Z Brace for it, glass bed upgrade and replaced the heater cartridge connectors with ceramic connectors because they looked dangerous and got ridiculously hot.
I've always wanted a Proton Pack from Ghostbusters, I 3D modelled the new Ghost Trap and some Proton Pack parts from the 2016 reboot in Sketchup and I want to print my own.


There is some stuff I haven't posted publicly, like the trap which I am possibly going to sell as a kit to some Ghostbusters fans who have expressed some interest.


That is almost the full trap printed from a guy who was helping me test my design before I got myself a printer.

Thought id join up here, got my Prusa i3 MK2 delivered the other day. Have had the M3D Micro for about a year, but found it too slow. Got to say the i3 is a big step up in print quality. And just so easy to use.



A print i made today, its to hold a GPS antenna and RX receivers on my quad-copter. i seam to be going though a lot of them.
Part 2 of my Babylon 5 PPG :-).

Please sub if you haven't I'm having a giveaway when I reach 100 subs.

Thought id join up here, got my Prusa i3 MK2 delivered the other day. Have had the M3D Micro for about a year, but found it too slow. Got to say the i3 is a big step up in print quality. And just so easy to use.



A print i made today, its to hold a GPS antenna and RX receivers on my quad-copter. i seam to be going though a lot of them.

Wow nice upgrade, if i had the space i'd get a MK2 for sure.

Just got and done my Bondtech upgrade on my Ultimaker 2 Extended.
I have also just got the 3dsolex V3 block and a few Jets.

So far its allowing me much quicker printing tho some times you just cant use the speed but its a much better feeder than the standard one.

Also upgrade the tube
PTFE tube 3.18/6.4 mm diameter

I had the pleasure to see Martin (Bontech) and Carl (3DSolex) at the show in Birmingham NEC.

Both good people.

Martin was also able to help me out with the custom firmware for the printer. you can get this direct but he was happy to help me get the latest version and have it set for the new steps needed for the feeder.

Can't fault the upgrade or the people that have created them both worth it for sure.


I know what people mean, but I've bought two um2s for work and they been very reliable, never need recalibration, and we put about 100 hours print time a week on them. I'll see if I can get a um3 ordered, it would be nice to see if they've done dual extrusion reliably. My own um2 is still working well I've not recalibrated the print bed in 6 months and it stills just prints well, although it's not perfect, my next upgrade will be a bond tech feeder or maybe a flex3drive, but other than that, I'd like to do a dual extrusion setup if it was fire and forget, I don't have enough spare time to keep faffing around..
Yea the car park was expensive

Was good to have a look around and see some new stuff and also .. grab some samples.

colorFabb was very kind and handed me a few.

not sure if want to go each year but nice to have a trip out and see some stuff


Just got and done my Bondtech upgrade on my Ultimaker 2 Extended.
I have also just got the 3dsolex V3 block and a few Jets.

So far its allowing me much quicker printing tho some times you just cant use the speed but its a much better feeder than the standard one.

Also upgrade the tube
PTFE tube 3.18/6.4 mm diameter

I had the pleasure to see Martin (Bontech) and Carl (3DSolex) at the show in Birmingham NEC.

Both good people.

Martin was also able to help me out with the custom firmware for the printer. you can get this direct but he was happy to help me get the latest version and have it set for the new steps needed for the feeder.

Can't fault the upgrade or the people that have created them both worth it for sure.


My bondtech um2 kit turned up today, £165 seemed expensive, but it seems very well engineered and was a breeze to install and setup. I've only done one print to make sure the firmware and settings worked and it was flawless, retracting is perfect now, and I can't see it ever slipping!
Aliexpress has lots of discounts TODAY ONLY.

Clone E3D Titan 15% off - http://www.aliexpress.com/item/-/32737959249.html

Pancake stepper motor for the above 15% off - http://www.aliexpress.com/item/-/32747709967.html

Polished heatbreak for clone E3D V6 50% off - http://www.aliexpress.com/item/-/32465816219.html

Five TMC2100 stepper drivers 15% off - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/-/32677100938.html

These are things that are difficult to find on Ebay/Amazon.

The main problem with E3D clones is you never know what the outside diameter is of the V6
or in the inside diameter of the Titan extruder. So it's hit and miss if they will fit.
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