Hmmm I want a Maker bot now.
I can get all the stuff cut. I have Steppers here, and an Arduino Mega.
What do I need to get...
(No I am not swapping, the laser is uber cool)
I may need a couple of replacement parts making, I broke a dino for mine, and its currently holding well, but I have no idea how long it will last!
You do realise that you can now fab yourself most of the parts of a makerbot?
If you need any makerbotted parts then I am going to be firing mine back up at somepoint in the next 2 weeks. Its been sitting unused on a shelf. Poor thing!
I may need a couple of replacement parts making, I broke a dino for mine, and its currently holding well, but I have no idea how long it will last!
You do realise that you can now fab yourself most of the parts of a makerbot?
If you need any makerbotted parts then I am going to be firing mine back up at somepoint in the next 2 weeks. Its been sitting unused on a shelf. Poor thing!
I may need a couple of replacement parts making, I broke a dino for mine, and its currently holding well, but I have no idea how long it will last!
Ok, I know a few of you want bacon. I have some nice smoked stuff here. What do you want me to laser on it?
How about I try to shape it like a pig, and see if I can cook it too
i don't get how it does the top? why doesn't it squirt and fall through?