I hate my Job :/

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Thanks guys :)

Every time I bring up the issue of Customer Satisfaction I hit a brick wall .. IBM don't give a flying fudge about Customers as long as we hit our targets

I have countless letters/Emails with customer thanks but these count for nothing

I only need need a new job till the end of the year anyway so I'll do anything to get out of here ..

If I wasn't on a final written warning for my attendance I'd be going off sick with Stress
i work with Sinead.
Bless her !
You really do seem to get picked on.

But shes correct, this job stinks. And after being here for 5 years im ready to move on aswell.

The main problem is that manpower have no knowledge or experience of the role we play. And then for them to turn around and tell us how we should be doing the job is annoying to say the least.

Fingers crossed ey Pig.
Kaed said:
Im really sorry to hear that, but it obviously happens to everyone in tech support.

I work as a companies own internal tech support - and had a call from a sales rep who was having problems with a misbehaving VPN. Took me quite a while to get it solved, not long after that, I had another call which took sometime, then just as I was solving that one, another one comes on. Three long phone calls from hell straight after each other. For which I got ranted at.

Surely, with all the 'Special High Intensity Training' that companies put their employees through you would have thought that they were quite understanding that some calls do take time, and that the idea of tech support is to fix the customers problem. Though its annoying when they don't realise this.

Suggesting such a thing as well seems to go on deaf ears - interestingly, it's never the people on the front line you have to explain yourself to.

They rant because the numbers tell them to rant :)
This thread makes me really glad the company I work on places good emphesis on customer satisfaction....

If you could move we're recruiting in a big way at the moment (approx 10% increase in staff numbers in our call centre alone)
lifes too short to be unhappy with a job, find a job you like, easier said then done i know i'm goin through the same thing anywho good luck with it :)
Whats the chance if those with NTL here call up and get piggy?

we can all invent problems that get magically fixed in 2 minutes or less? :)
Yup everyone I've known who has worked for NTL have only worked there for a maximum of 6 months as they can't stand it. Move now i'd say, would you stay in the area of IT if you were to switch jobs?
I couldn't work in a call centre for the very reasons you've listed. If they told me I wasn't hitting targets I would explain to them exactly what you've just told us in your rant (for want of a better word) above. The same thing happened when I was at school and worked for a supermarket - they'd expect you to get a job done quick rather than right. In the end they complained that I was taking too long over some things. I told them that I was the best damn employee they had and that if everyone there was more like me then the job would be done right the first time and wouldn't have to be redone i.e. I was actually saving time. Bit of a gamble but they backed off after that!

I now work for a helpdesk at a university and whilst I am clearly earning less than I could be, I have the satisfaction that I'm going to be left alone to solve someone's problem no matter how long it takes. Other advantages are:

i) If I can't solve the problem over the phone I can toddle over and find the user.
ii) The users are members of staff here so they get to know you and are grateful when you make the effort.
iii) Huge variation in the types of jobs that need doing, which is fun!
iv) You get to sit around waiting for calls rather than taking them one after the other non-stop.

Basically the point I was going to make is that everyone has a certain limit at which the money is no longer worth what you have to put up with. I say if you have to take a pay decrease then so be it; if the job is becoming unmanageable then it's not worth it. :)

Edit: I also worked for a year at IBM on NUMA hardware support; it was the same there in terms of call times. :(
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I feel so sorry for you Piggy.

It's yet another example of the massive gulf in customer service over here as opposed to other countries. Fob the customer off, and keep your call times down. Heaven forbid that you should actually stay on the line for the amount of time that it actually takes to fix the problem. It's an absolute disgrace that they're thinking of disciplinary action because you're actually doing your job. Typical unprincipled corporate crap.

Bide your time there, and look for another job Sinead.
well er, my stb wont power up... there appears to be a lead loose :)

There used to be an NTL centre in shoreham here, it got such a bad rep and half the staff walked it had to be closed (from what i've heard from 2 ex employees)

I know as a customer I like to spend time making sure my problem is fixed rather than being read a script and hung up on.

Best of luck piggles
Do you have any experience with Cisco devices? The tech support teams in this building are always looking for people. Wage isn't great, but the workload isn't huge and it's fairly relaxed from what I've seen.

'Course you'd have to move to London :).

On the flip-side, I regraded both my Sky and ntl packages last night and both calls to customer services were very efficiently handled.

Hate said:
I know as a customer I like to spend time making sure my problem is fixed rather than being read a script and hung up on.

Agreed, when I first tried to upgrade my cable to 3Mb, the bloke on the other end persevered when the upgrade didn't work at first. He was on the line with me for probably twenty minutes as I cycled various DHCP leases and rebooted bits of hardware. Eventually I told him not to worry about it, if it worked it worked, if not I'd phone him back later in the evening. As soon as I hung up, it worked. I was tempted to phone him back and thank him for his time.
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Try not to stress, that doesn't help. Easier said than done, I know.

I've been looking around for a new job for a few years but all the offers I've had so far have been £9k minimum less than I'm on now and taking a paycut of that magnitude isn't an option.

Things seem to be looking up for me, I have an interview tomorrow with a big company (I've had 2 telephone interviews, one techical, one personality related) then on Monday have an interview with a bank to do IT support for them. Both jobs are offering a little less than I'm on now, but I'll be saving by not driving 60 miles a day to/from work plus they both ovver something called overtime (an idea totally alien to my current company).

In short, chill. Keep looking and something will come up.
Piggymon said:
I only need need a new job till the end of the year anyway so I'll do anything to get out of here ..

How come you only need a job till the end of the year?

As for your situation.. I've got to admit, thats one reason why I much prefer public sector working over corporate working. Here the customer is key (students in my case). The whole business model revolves around them and giving them the best service we possibly can. They are our sole reason for existing. For corporates, despite the fact that that is still true, no customers = no business, the shareholders and the like focus entirely on the profit and no real focus on doing the best for customers, only as much as is necessary. Here we have no beancounting of any form, except budget (for obvious reasons). We're trusted to know when we're spending too long on a problem, and when we're not spending long enough on one. If an end user complains that they don't get their problem seen to quickly enough then its handled internally in the department (re-check priorities, figure out if we really were at fault). I'm 4 years into this job and still love it as much as the day I first started here.
The only thing that sucks about public sector work is the pay :(
Urh, threads like this made me want to scream, managers and companies like that need to realise that hitting targets is not the be all and end of of support. There are such strange alien concepts such as customer satisfaction, and doing the job well, which are far more important than getting someone off the phone inside 10 mins 44 seconds.

Hope you can get out of there soon Piggy, and try to keep your chin up (it's close enough to the ground as it is :p) :)
My advice is get out there ASAP. I stayed on in a job I hated for far too long and luckily for me got made redundant eventually.

Do something else, you will wish you had done it sooner.
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