Thanks guys
Every time I bring up the issue of Customer Satisfaction I hit a brick wall .. IBM don't give a flying fudge about Customers as long as we hit our targets
I have countless letters/Emails with customer thanks but these count for nothing
I only need need a new job till the end of the year anyway so I'll do anything to get out of here ..
If I wasn't on a final written warning for my attendance I'd be going off sick with Stress
Every time I bring up the issue of Customer Satisfaction I hit a brick wall .. IBM don't give a flying fudge about Customers as long as we hit our targets
I have countless letters/Emails with customer thanks but these count for nothing
I only need need a new job till the end of the year anyway so I'll do anything to get out of here ..
If I wasn't on a final written warning for my attendance I'd be going off sick with Stress