I have a cold...feel sorry for me

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Roberta said:
Work? You call sitting behind that desk posting work?

In my day I did a day down the mines, popped out a sprog and THEN made the tea - and that's when I had a cold!

quite rightly too...bloody suffragettes...never banked on equality meaning you'd have to do some damn work!! LAZY!
erm, excuuuuuse me!! firstly manor...i have unofficial first dibs on Roberta, ever since i first saw her post. and then saw her pic. so nyah!

secondly, Mohinder, what's with the tummy posting?! we dont need that in this thread!!

thirdly...ok, so there isnt a thirdly...there was barely a secondly, but listing is cool
Haly said:
One problem.....I'll probably end up eating the jelly while I wait :p And then there's not much point really :D

y'know, whilst we're being honest...im ok with just watching you and Roberta wrestle each other. for the record, and all.
ugh...i hate being off work sick.

if only there was some kind of jelly-wrestling spectacle to make me feel better.....:o
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