You need to curate your stuff, delete what's not needed and consolidate the remaining stuff onto a more meaningful number of drives.
t's time to bin off HDDs in favour of SSDs. As far as I am concerned for my own uses, large SSDs have taken over and I only have a single large external HDD for backups and everything internal is SSD. I will get another 8TB SSD and put it in a USB 3 shell at some point and get rid of that single external HDD but HDDs are obsolete by all measures, and they're slow to read, write and access.
My primary work is photos (RAW files) for working in Lightroom. For that the 8TB SATA 3 SSD works perfectly. Yeah they are still expensive, but they are much more efficient and light years ahead in terms of speed and latency. Also draw less power and a longer overall reliability.