I just made a joke up. ITT, you make one up too!

Mr Mag00 said:
i think the tumblweed emoticon should be obligatory

agreed :D *and again*

Al Vallario said:
I second that motion.

I turd that bowel motion!

Did you hear about the forgetful air traffic controller?
He'd forget his headset if it wasn't screwed on!

What did the religious sheep farmer sing at church?

How many fingers does the average sex pervert have?
As many as he's willing to risk!
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How do you get a ***** pregnant?
Crack one off into a bin and let the flies do the rest.

Did you hear about the deaf/mute guy?
Nah, neither did he.

Did you hear about the man with no legs?
He got kicked off the bus for standing on the seats.
Scuzi said:
How do you get a ***** pregnant?
Crack one off into a bin and let the flies do the rest.

Did you hear about the deaf/mute guy?
Nah, neither did he.

Did you hear about the man with no legs?
He got kicked off the bus for standing on the seats.

What do you call a leper in a bath?

Did you hear about the leper cowboy?
He threw his leg over his horse.

So a leper walks into a bar and as he gets his beer, a finger falls off. The bartender who is serving him turns and pukes all over the place. The leper, feeling bad, says, "Was it my finger falling off?" The bartender turns to him and says, "No, it's the guy dipping chips into your back."

Did you hear what happened when the leper who ran into a screen door?
He strained himself.

How do you get a leper out of a smashed up car after a crash?
A packet of doritos.

What's the height of stupidity?
A leper buying a suit that cost him an arm and a leg.
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