I miss manuals.

Does anyone remember them maps that came with GTA's? I haven't bought a CD version of it since San Andreas so I don't know whether they still come with them.

Yip. I own all the GTA games except London and loved them for the maps and cool info in the manuals.

GTA IV did come with a map also, along with a book akin to a tourist pamphlet about Liberty City :)

Xbox version : http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3106/2572929248_3d5ee7d07c.jpg

Manuals used to be great fun - waiting for the game to install, or when my turn on the computer was over, reading the manual was almost as much fun as playing the game. It felt like you were learning useful in-game tips and strategies, and many were entertaining as well. :)

Alas, nowadays all you get is some rubbish list of controls and icons if you're lucky.
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