Guess I was just thinking corsair can't be that bad.
That's how brands work when they get greedy.
After creating brand image they start selling also basic stuff with decent profit margin.
There's also been multiple versions of VS-serie "behind the curtains" so who knows what insides they have now.
And obviously Corsair isn't anxious to send reviewers samples.
From one model with reviews they show Aishi and CapXon capacitors, at best third tier and second tier stuff, if even that.
CapXon is known as CrapXon by those who repair electronics. Samsung has used those to time break down of their monitors and TVs.
And just call Aishi as Chinese achoo.
Also Be Quiet isn't known in general as quality brand.
Once they even had models with über garbage Fyhjyyu capacitors.
That particular Pure Power 10 is filled with in good day second tier Teapo capacitors.
Unless going for budget 80+ Gold should be now considered as standard.
Those PSUs also have more modern overall design.
Antec Truepower Classic and XFX TS are good non-modular model.
Made by Seasonic, who uses high quality capacitors in basically all PSUs coming out of their factory.
If you don't have space in case or don't want to spend time in wrapping unneeded cables into bundle modular PSUs have cables attached with connectors and unneeded cables can be left to box.
From modular PSUs Bitfenix Whisper M, Corsair TX, EVGA Supernovas, Super Flower Leadex, XFX XTR and of course Seasonic G-models have good capacitors.
More expensive 80+ Platinum efficiency PSUs likely have almost all quality capacitors.
80+ marking is related to efficiency which tells how much extra power PSU draws from wall and wastes as heat to power components.
As simple example in powering 100W drawing components some worst PSUs could waste 20W, while best PSUs only 5W.
But besides overal efficiency of PSU that's affected also by proper sizing:
Because of need to power its own circuitry PSU's efficiency drops at low percentual loads.
Making excessively oversized PSU easily couple classes lower in efficiency during idle/light use compared to optimal sized PSU.
(80+ Titanium is first setting efficiency requirement for 10% load)