I need to squat more

20 Nov 2009
Bangor NI
New program, new log, new drive :)

Goals: Squat 250kgs Bench more than I currently do.

Programs used: Smolov / Smolov JR


1RMs as of 18/10/2013

Squat: 210
Bench: 140
Dead: 250

600kg Total
BW 90-93kgs


Things to note:
-I know it's hard, I've looked at the numbers and frankly it's close to insane.
-I might have a comp at the end of November but if I compete I'll not pause the cycle. (I'm leaning towards not competing but we'll see)
-Where it says box squats I'll be doing pause squats instead.
-Start date is Tuesday 22/10/13


That's all, wish me luck :) and I'm always looking for feedback on my training ^^
Not starting until Tuesday but did a slightly harder microcycle workout today.


The cardio of the 140s was mean!
Tuesday 22/10/13

3x8x 137.5 - cardio
5x 147.5
2x2x 157.5

Squats were cardio, nothing out of the ordinary.


6x6x95 (a few were 7s because I can't count)

Ezpz :) on to day 2 ^^
Are you doing all of smolov and not just the base mesocycle?

Pro tip: don't use your max, and make sure you are using a spreadsheet that adjusts properly between lbs and kgs. I know some guys who ended up with some crazy jumps because they didn't take this into account.
Planning on doing all of it but the more I read and talk to people is slowly switching me to just doing the base mesocycle. I guess I'll see where that gets me!

I'm running my max for the intro cycle and a slightly reduced max for the base mesocycle. I've ran into the spreadsheet bug and it made me poop my pants :D got a working one now :)
You honestly won't lose out by putting a pretty conservative max in. Far better to smash the three weeks having done everything with good reps rather than miss reps/sets or have the majority of your work be slow and horrible. Leave the ego out of it, you can always run it again if you're conservative. You can't run it again if you snap up.

I'm contemplating doing smolov for high (ish) bar, my adductors will require too much maintenance doing low bar (I speak from experience! Lawd).
Cheers for the advice :)
Looking at using the following "maxes"

Intro cycle: 210
Base Meso: 200
Instense: 210 (if I do it)

What's got you wanting to go high bar?
Back injury, multiple sicknesses and moving into my first house all but crushed this dream.

I've been out of the game for 2 months now, starting back nice and easy.

Rehabing with yoga...., stretches and lots of rest/anti inflammitories.

I herniated/got a bulging disc by losing my air during a 220 beltless deadlift.....I AM A MORON.
Back injury, multiple sicknesses and moving into my first house all but crushed this dream.

I've been out of the game for 2 months now, starting back nice and easy.

Rehabing with yoga...., stretches and lots of rest/anti inflammitories.

I herniated/got a bulging disc by losing my air during a 220 beltless deadlift.....I AM A MORON.

Ouch - sorry to hear that, buddy! :(

How long is projected recovery?
It's not bothering my 90% of the time at the minute, doc said 6-12 weeks in November.

Since I couldn't back squat I did a lot of single leg work, pistols and split squats and as my back has felt better I added in some box jumps.

Strength is down across the board but I'll get it back >.<

So far in 2014 I've Squatted 60kgs x5, benched 90x10 and deadlifted 0 :D

The road to recovery is ahead :)
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