I never use my PC for gaming.....

Aside from all the usual points, I will say one thing about consoles is that they are much more gaming focused and therefore there are much less distractions. When I turn on one of my consoles I know I will be playing a game, on pc I often get distracted by emails, Internet, ocuk etc!
That is true! lol In fact, I got Steam started up with the intention to play Cities Skylines about half an hour ago but have instead found myself browsing the internet.

Another nice thing about console gaming is voice chat. It's usually always just built-in the game, so you can talk to whoever without needing to use external VOIP applications, which sucks sometimes.

That said, I still spend 90% of my gaming time(at least) on PC right now. I've got a PS3 and a PS4, but I love PC gaming so much. Being able to play games at 60fps. Having well represented genres like isometric RPG's, RTS's, city builders and other strategy type games. Choice of keyboard/mouse or controller. Super quick loading times. Much faster download speeds. Convenient game library access(I'm all digital on PC). No being limited to only 'current gen' titles. Being able to make my *own* choices on graphics vs performance. Super simple screenshotting and video recording ability. Mods, of course. And there's also the satisfaction that my gaming machine is something I put together myself. That really does add something for me.

I'm a gaming enthusiast and in my opinion, PC gaming is the ultimate gaming platform. I see a lot of people talk about price and whatnot, and there's arguments to be made on both sides, but ya know what? If you're a gaming enthusiast, it's *worth* spend extra money to get a better experience. It's like a driving enthusiast who wants to buy a fun sports car rather than a Honda Accord. Or a guitar enthusiast who wants a Paul Reed Smith instead of some Epiphone. Yes, you can still have fun with something more basic and inexpensive. But if it's something you enjoy a lot, why not shell out to improve that experience if you can? PC gaming rocks.
I spent over £1k in total on my gaming PC recently however I never seem to use it for gaming

I can't really figure out why I prefer console, but I think it's because it's just easier. You don't have to mess with graphics settings or anything and it just works. The games certainly don't look as good or run as smooth though

The games certainly don't look as good or run as smooth though

You don't have to mess with graphics settings or anything and it just works.

The games certainly don't look as good or run as smooth though

it just works.

The games certainly don't look as good or run as smooth though

Sorry, my WiiU/3DS is sitting gathering dust, and I only play my pc games. Your OP has a contradiction in my opinion.
Consoles more hassle for me since there always seems to be updates and they take forever compared to Steam, etc.

Graphic options - I usually take a minute and google "[name of game] most demanding setting" to make sure I'm not accidentally turning on some ridiculously intensive setting which has minimal impact on visuals. Otherwise just stick everything on high and go from there. A few minutes "work" ready to play hours of a game with better visuals/res/fps/etc. is a pretty good trade off imo.
Opposite for me. Obviously previous generation now, but I have a PS3 and Xbox 360 and the last time I switched them on was probably getting on for a year ago. I actually feel disconnected from them and the games I used to play on them which probably saw me spend a couple of hours max on them including waiting for updates.

My PC probably isn't worth as much as a lot of PCs on here, maybe £500-£600 at a guess, but for all the games I play it runs them as smoothly as I'd like and it usually takes 30 seconds to get a new game's settings the way I want them. I'm more comfortable sat at my desk and I've got internet browsing, IM with the best way of typing and decent speakers with all of my music ready to go. I'll sit on the PC until my eyes feel like they're on fire when I've got loads of spare time.

Nothing against consoles or people who prefer to game on consoles at all. Infact I used to be exclusively a console gamer, but after my introduction to Steam and games like Counter-Strike over ten years ago I've never looked back.
Now that I'm a little bit older my time is worth more to me than building pcs, installing operating systems, sorting out drivers and all the hassle that comes with PC gaming, for any AAA game I always go to my consoles.

I still play games on my pc most days but it's usually things like Dota or CS:GO.

I upgraded my pc to a decent spec 5 years ago and haven't really touched it since, It still plays the games I sit at my desk for fine and I just can't be bothered upgrading.

When it does come to the time where it won't play the games I want it to I might just buy a pre built system.
I like playing with the graphics settings etc. it is part of the fun of PC gaming, come on now, you must get some pleasure from changing settings to "ultra" with a smug grin on your face knowing your PC can run it and that consoles cannot do that.
PC is always my preferred platform unless it is exclusive to console. Tweaking graphics and settings etc just comes with the territory, IMO the extra fiddling with settings is worth it and gives better results in terms of graphics every time.

I ran a HDMI cable to my TV from the PC so I can still chill on the sofa and play games if I want instead of sitting at the desk.
Sell the PC graphics card and keep the rest, you can just use some really cheap card and so many pc games work at some level anyway.

If you ever find something you like that needs more, likely the card you can buy will be better then
I've spent far to much money on mine too, It's the only gaming platform I own so it's nice to not have to worry about wanting to play the latest game out and it's cheaper for games. But I seem to spend most of my time now just using it to browse the internet, I play the odd game of battlefield but that's about it!

I'm not getting rid as it winds my brother up as he has a pretty crap PC in comparison and plays it like every second of every day! :D
I dont have to mess with gfx settings, usually just stick it on high @1080p and start playing. Mad max looks awesome and runs great at solid 60fps. I spent literally seconds in the settings menu. I cant imagine how a console could be any easier than that.

Also only cost me £10 with the ripper dlc at release :D.
I'm with Mark A, my rig is top spec, I spent big money on a 980 ti, and often spend so I can keep my PC top spec. Just so I can whack everything to ultra at 1080p for glorious 60fps playback. Regardless of the game. Much easier than having a mid range card and finding the right balance of settings.
The only time I have ever found a console appealing was a few years back when gta v came out on console first, plus you had The Last of Us which was getting rave reviews and Also Demons souls which I wanted to play so I bought a second hand ps3. I haven't turned it on in about 18 months. As for the ps4...Bloodborne maybe, but nothing else interests me.

On pc I have a 20 year back catalogue to choose from. Nothing against consoles if people really want one, but I really see little point in getting one for me. Tbh, my PC basically acts the same as a console anyway... Boot up already connected to my TV, I can be in a game with a controller connected within a minute. Plus I can use kb/m for games as well if I want.

Even if I did for some reason want to do all of my gaming on a console, I would no doubt still have a pc or laptop, so a gaming pc will work out cheaper than a console + pc/laptop anyway.
If you have a good PC, The ONLY single reason to ever use a console, is exclusive games that are not on PC. You can use a controller and plug your PC into your TV and you have a console but its 60fps and much better graphics. You can even have both Xbox one and PS4 controllers. No reason to ever use a console except for exclusive games. .

What about Local Co-Op and/or splitscreen multiplayer.

This mode is almost always overlooked on PC releases.
Always play my pc, ps4 gathers dust.

Biggest thing for me aside from the better fps,graphics etc is mods. You don't get the modding community or even many mods at all on consoles. Sometimes (quite often in fact) mods make an average game an incredible one.
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I have a PS3, XBox 360 and my PC, I much prefer PC, comparing GTA V on the 360 to mine it looks awful by comparison, I do prefer the plug & play aspect of consoles but that's it.

I also prefer keyboard & mouse opposed to a game pad.

You'd hope PC would be better, but the difference isn't comparable to the hardware cost difference by a long way.
I spent over £1k in total on my gaming PC recently however I never seem to use it for gaming, I instead prefer to do my gaming on the console

I can't really figure out why I prefer console, but I think it's because it's just easier. You don't have to mess with graphics settings or anything and it just works. The games certainly don't look as good or run as smooth though

Maybe some of you have a next gen console and never use it because of using pc for games instead

I'm just wondering if any one else here has a gaming pc which they don't really game on.....

The main reason you probably find it easier is the focus of a gaming console :p I find it far easier to get into a game and play it for a few hours when you sit on the couch with a Ps4/Xbox controller in your hand on a system that focuses mainly on games.

Where as on Pc I'll mull around my Steam library for a while and won't end up starting anything then just hop back to LoL or something else more mindless.

I much prefer playing on PC though due to the improved graphics, mods and additional accessories I can use without costing an arm and a leg! Consoles for me still have there place, I find it far easier playing a single player game in the evening when hopping on the couch and booting up a console.

I could do the same with the PC but I haven't got it easily setup via HDMI and Steam big picture etc.
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