That is true! lol In fact, I got Steam started up with the intention to play Cities Skylines about half an hour ago but have instead found myself browsing the internet.Aside from all the usual points, I will say one thing about consoles is that they are much more gaming focused and therefore there are much less distractions. When I turn on one of my consoles I know I will be playing a game, on pc I often get distracted by emails, Internet, ocuk etc!
Another nice thing about console gaming is voice chat. It's usually always just built-in the game, so you can talk to whoever without needing to use external VOIP applications, which sucks sometimes.
That said, I still spend 90% of my gaming time(at least) on PC right now. I've got a PS3 and a PS4, but I love PC gaming so much. Being able to play games at 60fps. Having well represented genres like isometric RPG's, RTS's, city builders and other strategy type games. Choice of keyboard/mouse or controller. Super quick loading times. Much faster download speeds. Convenient game library access(I'm all digital on PC). No being limited to only 'current gen' titles. Being able to make my *own* choices on graphics vs performance. Super simple screenshotting and video recording ability. Mods, of course. And there's also the satisfaction that my gaming machine is something I put together myself. That really does add something for me.
I'm a gaming enthusiast and in my opinion, PC gaming is the ultimate gaming platform. I see a lot of people talk about price and whatnot, and there's arguments to be made on both sides, but ya know what? If you're a gaming enthusiast, it's *worth* spend extra money to get a better experience. It's like a driving enthusiast who wants to buy a fun sports car rather than a Honda Accord. Or a guitar enthusiast who wants a Paul Reed Smith instead of some Epiphone. Yes, you can still have fun with something more basic and inexpensive. But if it's something you enjoy a lot, why not shell out to improve that experience if you can? PC gaming rocks.