I never use my PC for gaming.....

I use a 40" tv as a second monitor on the same desk as my pc monitor, so have the best of both worlds. I can definitely see the appeal of wanting to relax on a couch with a pad, but with the PC now it is possible to do just that. In fact 6 of the 14 games I have completed this year have been played on the 40" tv with a pad and currently playing Mad Max the same way.

I think this is why Steam is focusing on getting the PC into the living room as this is one of the main thing that holds the PC back. Will be interesting to see if the steam boxes and the streaming device help to make the PC a more popular platform.
I spent over £1k in total on my gaming PC recently however I never seem to use it for gaming, I instead prefer to do my gaming on the console

I can't really figure out why I prefer console, but I think it's because it's just easier. You don't have to mess with graphics settings or anything and it just works. The games certainly don't look as good or run as smooth though

Maybe some of you have a next gen console and never use it because of using pc for games instead

I'm just wondering if any one else here has a gaming pc which they don't really game on.....

If you have an nVidia card use GeForce Experience. Should be able to apply some optimal settings for you without much input from yourself.
PC gamer first and foremost but to be honest, I have found myself playing on my PS4 with more and more regularity these last few months. Mind you that is probably because my PC is at my house and the PS4 is at the missus’ where I spend most my time. I suspect when we move in together ‘properly’ my PC will take precedence again.

That said, I still bought GTA V and MGS 5 on the PS4 simply because, I prefer the console for those types of games and the fact I can play them on a big TV is a winner. However, besides exclusives, the one major advantage that consoles used to have over PC is no longer valid. The big selling point for consoles was the fact that you could essentially plug and play. Not anymore. I can’t remember the last PS4 game (or PS3 game for that matter) that didn’t have a sizable install and then another huge patch update before it allowed me to play it. Don’t get me wrong, I understand that patching is part and parcel of gaming as we’ve had it with PC’s for years where games are continually improved for years after release. On a console though, you expect a certain level of freedom from this and that games released on consoles should be - to all intents and purposes, the finished article. They’re not and for some reason, I find this incredibly annoying… Consoles have slowly but surely become a poor mans gaming PC albeit, without the freedom to do what you like.

And it’s this sheer versatility that makes the PC stand out. The Indie scene is brilliant and generally most games are either free or extremely cheap to play long before they hit the consoles. However, it’s the modding scene in particular makes PC gaming worthwhile. You simply cannot beat it for either extending the life of games or someone coding an amazing graphical overhaul of an existing game. On the subject of graphics, I must admit that I don’t bother tweaking my PC anymore trying to fine tune the settings because I find no need to. Almost all games are now coded for consoles first and foremost and the PC ports are often nerfed as a consequence. Killer rigs are no longer a necessary requirement. For the last few years now I’ve found that most in-game ultra settings are usually spot on and most ‘intensive’ games easily play on reasonable systems. That would have been unheard of several years ago when a new GPU (or PC upgrade) was pretty much a standard requirement every 2-3 years.

All in all though, whilst I am and always will be a PC gamer, I like my consoles. I like the exclusives and the easy attitude required to play on them (once all the install/patching guff is out of the way). I can also slouch on my sofa with pad in hand and turn it off as when I like.
I bought an XBONE last year which has turned out to be a waste of money, I play everything on PC. I don't understand the settings criticism. I leave settings at defaults and it always seems fine. (Looks good and over 60fps.)
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