I really don't know what to say...

Want a new bike? push it in front of a car. Sorted =)

How they can't see how horribly open for exploitation this is I don't understand?
Could you imagine everyone just running onto the road and people crashing on purpose.

but if this happened I would buy a 2CV and I would crash into everyone else and then call Injury lawyers for you and spend the money on anything I wanted till I ran out. Then I would do it over and over again till I was the richest man on earth.

I think this is probably something which has been taken out of context or misinterpreted, because i'm struggling to believe it tbh.
Phillip Darnton said:
“I would like to see the legal onus placed on motorists when there are accidents; speed limits reduced to 20mph on suburban and residential roads; cycling taught to all schoolchildren; and cycling provision included in major planning applications,”

Well Phil, I'd like to see a grain of common sense knocked into your head with a lump hammer, but I suspect neither of us will get what we want. Life is such a bitch.
Yeah, what if we don't want to ******* cycle, especially with our very predictable and lovely weather system. I walk my two dogs and I cycle after work as a hobby. I'd rather not do that to work thanks, although having the dogs at work would be great.

Same, although I do combine the two sometimes :D (walk the dog on my bike, good fun until he spots a rabbit...)
Don't they do this in China? The larger car is held at fault for the accident for some reason :confused:

I guess when two identical cars crash they try and divide by zero and it all goes a bit wrong.
I think this is probably something which has been taken out of context or misinterpreted, because i'm struggling to believe it tbh.

its one crack pot who works for an agency that receives government funding if you read the article.

Its just another deluded idiot that has been given colum inches by scare mongering newspapers desperate for a story.

It will never make it to government policy because as soon as it went up for consultation it would all get shot straight down.

There really is some morons in this country. Will never happen though, if it does then well. We will do what we normally do, adapt and get over it after a few days of media hype.
The scary thing is the government is using YOUR MONEY to pay people to come up with rubbish like this. You can bet that suggestion cost at least half a million quid.
Don't they do this in China? The larger car is held at fault for the accident for some reason :confused:

I guess when two identical cars crash they try and divide by zero and it all goes a bit wrong.

In China I think if you make eye contact it's your fault (or something equally bizarre!)
What's wrong with a good ol' 50/50 if it is undecided who was at fault...

I think its more to do with if a cyclist hits a car and lies in a pool of his own blood with at least one limb pointing the wrong way and the car driver steps out of his metal shield unscathed, 50/50 doesn't seem particularly fair.

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