It'll never happen
Phillip Darnton said:“I would like to see the legal onus placed on motorists when there are accidents; speed limits reduced to 20mph on suburban and residential roads; cycling taught to all schoolchildren; and cycling provision included in major planning applications,”
Yeah, what if we don't want to ******* cycle, especially with our very predictable and lovely weather system. I walk my two dogs and I cycle after work as a hobby. I'd rather not do that to work thanks, although having the dogs at work would be great.
I think this is probably something which has been taken out of context or misinterpreted, because i'm struggling to believe it tbh.
Are you a Daily Mail headline writer?the government is using YOUR MONEY
Don't they do this in China? The larger car is held at fault for the accident for some reason
I guess when two identical cars crash they try and divide by zero and it all goes a bit wrong.
What's wrong with a good ol' 50/50 if it is undecided who was at fault...
If this gets passed and a porsche takes me at the lights i know what im going to do when i catch up with him lol.