I really feel dead guys

What about some volunteering work such as helping kids after school or something, even just for a few hours a week. Maybe that could help take your mind of things and give you a sense of purpose and satisfaction.
Hey Pyro,

Listen, you need to talk things over with your ex girlfriend I think. Even though you've been broken up you can at least ask her if she thinks there is any chance of you two getting back together again. If she says no then you just have to accept that and move on. It is very true what they say about there being plenty more fish in the sea, and I know that it probably won't seem like this at the minute. I know you think she was "the one" but I'm sure you will find someone special.

You also need to stop being so lazy :p and you also need to stop taking "chemicals" please man! It really makes me sad to hear about a man wanting to be dead. I was told by a seminar teacher at my uni that her friend had killed herself and that she thought that it was an extremely selfish act. That comment kind of took me aback a little but whenever I thought about it I came round to her way of thinking. Just think about it please.

I wish you all the best man, I really do!

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Whappers said:
Listen, you need to talk things over with your ex girlfriend I think. Even though you've been broken up you can at least ask her if she thinks there is any chance of you two getting back together again. If she says no then you just have to accept that and move on.

Or perhaps question whether your happiness should be left up to the whim of others to decide
Hey bud,

I went through hell and back when my last gf split up with me. It really felt like my whole world was crumbling around me. I went to counselling and it was suggested by my sister (who's a doctor) to try some meds but I flatly refused that.

As has already been said, time and patience will help more than anything you can put in your body.

All I can suggest is to try and get some kind of routine in your life, starting with eating. If your body starts to feel crappy your mood will most defintely follow so if you only do one thing, eat regularly. Make a point of it being a specific activity in the day that you will look forward to and make something good to eat, something that you will look forward to. Spend some time over it and make it a worthwhile event.

The rest will follow.
Having a girl is good.

But having your life in some order is a bigger priority.

I tend to think that making your own progress/achievement, being happy with yourself - should come before a relationship.

A relationship demands that you're strong and totally in-order. They are tough even then.

Just re-evaluate where you are right now and make a plan of some sort.

- What happens when you lose everything, start over again, you start all over again -
cleanbluesky said:
The way I see it, is that we have an in-built mechanism to care for a significant other. The problem with that is that it can also lead to us doting and squeezing ourselves dry over the wrong person.

Quite simply, you need more. You need to see the bigger picture in order to get over this.
You need to get other aspects of your life moving, concentrate on them and everything else will fit into place...

cleanbluesky said:
Or perhaps question whether your happiness should be left up to the whim of others to decide

I completely concur. I bet every single one of us here who has split up with someone has felt the same way afterwards. I know I have. The only thing a person can do is get on with it.

Pyro, there are plenty of professions that help people if you want to go down that path. It can be very rewarding. You will meet new people and make new friends.

Suicide is not the answer, I'd bet that some of us here have comtemplated it, but ultimately it's ending life via the backdoor. And the amount of guilt you would heap on relatives and friends who had no idea you were in such a state would be unforgiving. I personally would never consider it because of what it would do to my family. I've seen first hand how suicide can affect a family, and the guilt they all suffer afterwards is awful and more importantly uncalled for. No one deserves to be put in that situation.

You need to get out of the house, get fresh air, pick up the phone and talk to friends and family. Start new hobbies, anything to get you out of this rut. A change will do you the world of good. Concentrate on the positives and look forward not back. :)
Take the positive bits from your time with her, think about them and enjoy the memories. Take those positive bits forward, I guarentee some of them will have been "learnt" with her and can be used to improve the next relationship your in.

Pick a random friend and arrange a few beers - be it a close one or a distant one. Close one will be good for a long chat and will help you get your head in order. A more distant one you wont be as open with but more likely to have a (suprisingly) fun time with and have your mind taken off it.

The idea of the routine is good too, even if you never tried cooking get a good cookbook and give it a go - it's a very good feeling of satisfaction munching awesome food that you made yourself.

Taking that forward if you have any female "friends" (i.e ex's/"near misses"/drunken sex fiends) have em over and cook for them. The company will be good (make sure you scrub up and get your place in some kind of order tho).

There really is LOTS of ways out of a rut.

Long term look at your career - if your not getting satisfaction there look around at what else to do. Often to start with you will draw a fairly large blank but keeping it in mind will see possibilities open up.
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Hey man, I can empathise with you on some level here. My best advice though is to sit down with a friend or your mum, preferably your mum and just open up. have a good cry and get it all off your chest properly. Its funny, mums have this way of just.. comforting you, no matter what. So do best friends. Try to be around your friends a lot and never think they'll get tired of you talking, they'll help you through this more than anyone.
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