I.T. Crowd Series 4?

Overall a poor season imo. Couple of decent episodes but overall its really starting to wear thin and seems very tired now. Thought the ending to the season was an anticlimax, the ending of tonight episode just felt like they had written the episode and couldn't think of an ending so just decided sod it, we'll just end it here.
the ending of tonight episode just felt like they had written the episode and couldn't think of an ending so just decided sod it, we'll just end it here.

This is what Linehan does, when he's on his own. I actually think the way this ended was a send up of his own inability to wind things up in any coherant fashion, i.e. the woman just randomly saying "ok 70 mil", i.e. I can't be arsed with this, here, let me offer you the easy way out and just say something random.
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i just wish they would have a little more to do with IT itself.... like not loads, but sometimes i do question why its called the The IT crowd to begin with! Im talking about making occurrences in a working business funny like, the training meetings, going out to fix a users pc, something thats happened when walking round the office.
Meh, i think everything after the Countdown episode has been mediocre.

I think the IT Crowd really does best when it sticks to its geeky content and making fun of stupid little things.
I only managed to catch the first few minutes of the latest ep last night. Was pleased to see it has the milf from Inbetweeners in it :p
I don't like how short all Channel 4 programmes seem to be. Inbetweeners is only six episodes and so is IT Crowd. There should be atleast eight! Top Gear has also seemed to follow the trend and only has six episodes for the first time.
I dread to think what the extra two IT Crowd episodes would have been like, given the thinnly stretched of jokes in the current 6. :(
I had to watch that milk drinking thing at the end credits twice to see if I had missed some hidden joke or something. No, it just appeared to be a tacked on "idea" to mask the brevity of the actual ending, i.e. BSW's about turn. It was probably just Linehan, directing the episode as he was, just saying to them "Can you act crazy for about 40 seconds, like you've just won a prize or something, while you drink your milk", there probably wasn't even any rehearsal for that bit, it looked just so utterly amateurish and embarrassing. Can you imagine Seinfeld and/or Larry David would have entertained anything remotely resembling that to finish a season finale?
Last ep = meh

Bit dissapointed with this series, prob about 2 eps were good, one meh and the rest didnt get a laff out of me.

Shame really :(
It didn't help making one of the main jokes really obscure (and based on what is now a very old event). I am talking about Douglas' suit of course which was a gag based around Heather Mills...


Don't worry if you missed it, I did too until someone ese pointed it out to me.

I'm also gutted they wasted Richmond's return as they did, even if the "Goth To Boss" bit was one of the episode's highlights (but only because the rest of it was so poor).

It's a shame because I was showing a friend the IT Crowd for the first time, he laughed a little but I still felt the need to show him a couple of episodes from the previous series afterwards (which he did find very funny luckily).

P.S. Douglas' wife in the latest episode was also Denholm's (Chris Morris) wife who appeared at his funeral in SE2EP2....
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The latest/last episode where his wife was divorcing him....so poor. Can't believe it was the I.T Crowd tbh.
I didn't think that last episode was good at all.

The best bit about it was Richmond and the "Goth 2 Boss" bit - although even so, that was pretty poor as well.

I've been fairly disappointed with this series, there's been a few good moments, but none that I think I'll be fondly remembering as much as some from other series.
I think there are just as many epic moments tbh.

"That's ruddy mysterious..."

"What are you doing on the computer?"


"Your name is Maurice Moss, is it not?"

"Your name is Maurice Moss, is it not?"
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