I.T. Crowd Series 4?

"I came here to drink milk and kick ass... And I've just finished my milk."

I think that might be my favourite TV quote :D
It's possible, I assumed that when Roy said he worked in IT , he asked him if he used Mac's to which Roy replied with the line about working with Windows.

heh whichever works, still made me lol. Perfect comedy timing. :D

IT Crowd really is one of the funnier shows on tv. It has some great lines at times (if a bit geeky). Shame allot of other shows are so in your face for the comedy. Moss is one of the funniest characters ive seen on tv in recent years.
Must admit that I found tonight episode better than last weeks, overall though I find that I am not finding it as funny as I used to. I seem to be finding big bang theory funnier these days.

Imagine that though ! A crossover episode with Moss and Sheldon in ! Bazinga :)
I loved tonight's episode. Just loved the countdown bits and the whole "I AM NOT A WINDOW CLEANER"

And the end:

"No I work with Windows mainly. Hello? Hello?" :D
Not a regular watcher of this but when I see it I like it, spotted thumb man on it tonight! (on the left):
I can see my opinion might go against the grain here (it seems to often!), but I think that the latest episode was not as good as the last, and is nowhere near the best, perhaps almost one of the worst. I'll tell you why.

I have always enjoyed the IT crowd because you have great comedy derived from a lot of normal situations, but with the slightly eccentric characters. This usually results in them walking blindly into a difficult situation as a result of their slightly alternative take on their world. This latest episode instead gave us rather normal characters but forced into a crazy situation (more namely the story following Moss, the Roy window story was classic Linehan but still not great, I'll get onto that). The introduction of the Countdown club I found very strange, and the sections with 'minus 1' were at some points almost cringeworthy for me, rather than flat out amusing. This still delivered some great lines from Moss, but they felt a lot more forced than we're used to.

The Roy story in the latest episode was enjoyable. We get to watch him stumble around in his own awkwardness and ultimately end up looking stupid and causing the wrong impression. The only thing that ruined it was the terrible joke at the very end of the episode. It felt like the whole thing had built up to that and it was a disappointment when it came, very cheesy. I prefer something more subtle, which is how the previous series have presented a lot of the best short jokes like that.

The other strange thing about this episode was the Jen story. It didn't really go anywhere useful or particularly amusing, and rather disappointingly it played no part in the other stories of the episode. Graham Linehan is usually the master at weaving in all the plots at the end to come together in an extremely amusing and sometimes unexpected climax. The end was instead a disappointment for me and not as clever as we should expect.

With all that said however, even just on that episode, it's still one of the best comedies on TV, without a doubt. I eagerly anticipate the rest of the series!
Agree with above post (apart from the comment about it being one of the best comedies on tv). It seems to me that as Linehan continues to write on his own he is becoming increasingly un-self critical in the quality of how he links threads, or provides the less focused characters with worthwhile stories whilst the main character, Moss obviously, does their thing. As you point out the Jen plot was absolutely dire, and Roys seemed to be lazily engineering JUST to provide the terrible pun at the end. The sooner he gets someone else to work with on his scripts the better.
Great show but it feels like it's starting to wear a bit thin.
Matt Berry is awesome though.
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