Poll: I think imma need a divorce lawyer soon :(

A or B

  • A

    Votes: 24 19.2%
  • B

    Votes: 48 38.4%
  • lettuce

    Votes: 53 42.4%

  • Total voters
24 Oct 2012
Help me out here GD, I seem to have found myself in a perpetual state of argument over how to pack a dishwasher. One of these options is correct and packed systematically, the other is packed by a person who is a definite wrong'un.

I ask you then, which of these is correct:

Option A:


Option B:


Well, who's the animal here?

Mods pls gief poll pls omg
option b plates seem to close together.

The bowls in the top only one of them will be hit b y water..

option A the only thing really wrong is the plates on the left side are the wrong way around and the chopping boards are too close together so no water is going to squirt between them

op is probably victor meldrew
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I have a very specific way of doing the dishwasher.

Gf seems much more random.

I'll even put spoons in one line, forks in another etc.

Will have to get a pic.

Option B is more efficient
Thank you, I almost didn’t realise.

Plates shouldn’t have food on them before going in the dishwasher.

Both pictures are just a wind up. Diddums knows they are both terrible. I mean how are both sides of those chopping boards getting washed?

Its not a magic box that you put old stuff in and new stuff comes out. The only right things are those glasses and maybe that bowl bottom picture.
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Help me out here GD, I seem to have found myself in a perpetual state of argument over how to pack a dishwasher. One of these options is correct and packed systematically, the other is packed by a person who is a definite wrong'un.

I ask you then, which of these is correct:

Option A:


Option B:


Well, who's the animal here?

Mods pls gief poll pls omg

both, the top bowl should be at the bottom. Those Ikea chopping board should be washed by hand. There should be as space between plates.
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Plates shouldn’t have food on them before going in the dishwasher.
Not sure if serious or I missed the joke. Most dishwashers/tablets will explicitly tell you to only scrape the worst off. The enzymes in the tablets need something to work on / to activate them. Scrape the lumpy bits and such off, certainly; but don't pre-wash them. That's the machine's job.

OP, I recognise this picture and I need my safe space. Option B satisfies my anal retentiveness, and is how I personally usually load the washer. Option A makes my teeth itch, but tbh it probably allows for better water dispersal. They both work though, so spend the worry time on pleasing your wife instead - you'll lose the need for the lawyer. :p
Both wrong uns cutlery should have pointy bits up

Should never put knives upwards - though a rare one several people have been killed by falling on top of cutlery in their dishwasher.

(Though the handle is partly there to prevent it rather than being convenient for carrying)

EDIT: IIRC some dishwashers even have a specific thing for knives for safety though I don't think any of ours ever have had such feature.
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