Poll: I think imma need a divorce lawyer soon :(

A or B

  • A

    Votes: 24 19.2%
  • B

    Votes: 48 38.4%
  • lettuce

    Votes: 53 42.4%

  • Total voters
Oh don't get me started on this. I literally end up repacking the dishwasher whenever my partner packs it. Its like she doesn't understand the simple concept of how a dishwasher works. She thinks its some magical machine that water-bends the hot water and detergent around the machine to get at all the hard to reach areas shes blocked off. She also likes to put things in that hang down and jam the rotating spray. Does my head in.
They look pretty much the same to me just the order of the stuff in it us different. Dishwasher will still wash them, normally reducing the items life and adding extra scum. Wash by hand like a pro.
As someone who's never had or used a dishwasher, the plates look far too close together in B(!) But then plates are easy to clean, so maybe it works. I'm voting lettuce, because I could have done my washing up in the time it took to contemplate this darned thread!
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As someone who's never had or used a dishwasher, the plates look far too close together in B(!) But then plates are easy to clean, so maybe it works. I'm voting lettuce, because I could have done my washing up in the time it took to contemplate this darned thread!
My dishwasher washes up for me whilst I’m in bed asleep :p
Well, I wasn't expecting this amount of replies, just shows what a top quality poster I am. AAAAAAAAA+ would buy from again.

I'll respond properly later, I'm far too hungover for this nonsense atm.
B is better for a full load, but if not actually filling it up then A perhaps has better spacing etc.. even if it isn't particularly orderly.
Spacing is right, dish washers use high pressure, heat and steam to clean. The plates can be as close as that.

A cutlery tray for example has all the cutlery pretty much touching each other but still comes out clean.

There's really no wrong way to load a dishwasher
You're both wrong. That big plastic bowl on the top shelf is barely dirty and taking up valuable tea/coffee mug space. Wash that by hand and let the dishwasher take more.
We now have a rule in our house that the wife is not to touch the dishwasher upon pain of death. It has caused far too many aggravating moments that it is just left for me to load it every time now.
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