I think muslims should do more to make it known this shouldn't be tolerated

13 Nov 2006
I'm sure 99% of muslims here in britain are outraged by the incident today. It only makes day to day living for them harder as non muslim british people are finding it hard to swallow.

If we saw headlines of muslims ousting the extremists, trying to find and catch them it would make multiculturism ties a lot better??
The thing is we are yet to know who were the instigators of the attacks (both of them) and I doubt very many Muslims will condemn them if they are to be found responsible.
manoz said:
Complete tossers really, suicide and killing innocent civilians are both very unislamic.
Really, because it seems everywhere we look in the world the opposite is true?
AJUK said:
Really, because it seems everywhere we look in the world the opposite is true?

Yeah, well I can't speak for the small minority that do blow themselves and have that attitude but they make the news unfortunetely:/

Azagoth said:
No, you've all got it wrong, Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. :rolleyes:

Nice one, NOT.
manoz said:
Nice one, NOT.

You don't agree? Right, what do you want this religion of peace and tolerance to do about that? Cut a body part off, stone you to death, behead you in front of a camera and then post it on the interweb? Or do you prefer to make up your own sort of medieval torture/execution? :D
rayer said:
Didnt Nostrodamus predict that Muslims would try to dominate Europe with fire and pain before taking on the world ?
I have no idea but do the Muslims reallky want to take on the civilised world. World number of nukes = ******* shed loads vs Muslims number of nukes = some dodgy efforts in Pakistan (who are nothing other than a puppet government). Can you imagine a world withot the west, medieval would be optimistic.
neocon said:
why do they even stay here if they hate this place so much? go, leave

Because they can't establish a decent society in Islamic populated countries they don't want to go live there. They live by faux idealistic Islamic principles, yet when push comes to shove, they still live in the despised western world.

Look at all the predominantly Muslim populated countries, **** holes, the lot of them.
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