I think my back brake is sticking?

I took the calliper apart, cleaned the top edges of the pistons, rested a pad on both and use mal-grips to push them back in after cleaning, then I took the pad off, applied copper ease liberally and rebuilt it.

Now I'm getting an issue I've had before on my front brake, I can't remember exactly what caused it but basically if I apply my front brake decently hard the bike shudders at the front end as it's slowing down, it kinda feels like it's lurching up and down on the front forks rapidly.. I remember phrases like "head something out of alignment" and perhaps a warped front disc, but this has happened twice within like 4000 miles, is that bad?

could be front fork hop? if its only done it twice in 4k miles I wouldn't worry too much

depends how hard you brake,the front end will skit around sometimes,and the tyre will try and slip from under you
idk,ive never had it happen

headstock bearings? only if they are very loose

when your riding along do you feel or hear a pulsing sound like brake rubbing,if so it could be a warped disc,same when braking
Shouldnt do, when you are coming to a stop, lightly apply the brakes and feel it through your fingers, if the lever feels like its pulsing then most likely a warped disk, which is really common when brakes are sticking.
If you have stands get the bike up and rotate the front wheel whilst looking front on at the discs, you will usually notice a slight movement in one at a certain point.

The lurching you are probably feeling is after it gets past the sticking point the same braking force isn't applied so the bike will feel like its speeding up compared to the excessive force on the warped part.
Yep any drag will slow down a vehicle.

After you've been out for a ride are your brake discs really hot?
Don't stick your hand on it as if they are you might get burnt pretty bad :D but like stick a bit of water on it and usually it will boil, I know it did when mine were getting stuck and warped.
That reminds me of when I did a top speed test on my ZX9R at Bruntingthorpe. When I pulled in my rear disc was actually glowing red. Still managed 165mph though, even with it slightly sticking!
After a few days riding I can confirm that it's very definitely front brake sticking, when I first start up and try and wheel my bike backwards off the drive it totally jams up every one rotation on the disc and I have to really put my back into moving it!

Once I'm riding the bike pulls off forward easily but I notice if I leave my revs lower (for just cruising along) then try and accelerate to overtake, the bike really struggles, I then have to drop a gear or two to build up some speed.

Also I notice over 40mph + I can feel the front end of the bike shuddering, I'm guessing the disc is warped?

After about 10 minutes (not using the front brake at all) it starts to loosen up, my acceleration improves and it doesn't stick anywhere near as much. Also the shuddering starts to decrease as it heats up.

When I get into work I tested the temp of the brake disc this morning and you could have fried an egg on it.

Thoughts please guys? Is it without question a new disc I need or could the pads/callipers have anything to do with it?

Could be either as far as I know. I'd whip the caliper off first and have a look to make sure the pistons are all moving freely. Make sure you don't pop them out!
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You should be able to take the caliper off without it being on a centre/paddock stand though might make it a bit easier as you'll probably need to push the pistons backwards a little by pressing them on the disc in order to have enough clearance to lift the caliper over the disc.
could be either a sticking piston or a warped disc or seized disc rotors (the round brackets that attach the outer disc to the inner disc)

id be very surprised if it were warped discs on a 2014 machine
ive never had any warped discs since ive been riding:confused:

ive had the disc buttons come dangerously loose and rattle badly on zx10 that's about it
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I have had two warped because I didn't sort the calipers out properly, and know of quite a few others who have also, really common on bikes specially with the amount of salt on the roads and lack of maintenance.
My first one was fair enough, calipers didn't look bad but MOT failed on warped disc, had spare discs anyway so not a problem, cleaned up the calipers and it happened again.... wasn't sorted until I replaced the seals.
Had maidstone repair my discs anyway.
ohh yeah it will if the calipers are seized

pays to check them regular,i had to rebuild mine cos they were sticking/rubbing but only once since 98

(I suppose its not having enough air passing over or through the disc and overheating/distorting the disc added to binding brakes) idk
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