I woke up this morning and found this on my laptop!

You want to see what the larvae of those bugs look like... They're well evil. I used to have one in a jar when I was a kid and it grew into one of those monsters:)
Arrgghhhnnnnghghghghh, I hate those things.

They're so big and heavy and clumsy, they're not averse to batting into you and fresking you out - it's not like a bug landing on you, like you can feel the 'thwack' - yeeerrgghhh. Harmless but horrible.
Awww Man

These Boy's make one hell of a mess on a car windscreen when there a*se comes through there face when you hit them :D

Harmless, nice to see them bugs and things all have a place in the ecocycle, just nice to think we are nearer the top of the food chain!
AJUK said:
It is a May Bug and I did google as you suggested. I got this picture:


In Denmark (and in most of Europe IIRC) they call cockchafers "June Bugs"

Don't ride into one on a motorbike.
FunkyT said:
Thanks for the helpful replies - hopefully the bug is off somewhere else causing mayhem :D

down in the pub getting drunk again :p . These forums make me laugh. 3 Pages about a bug found on a laptop lol! Classic :cool:
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