I would never pre-order a game, except...

Nearly all of my pre-orders are from Steam, so it doesn't really matter if I pay in advance or not as I can just get a refund later if it's bad.
Recently we've have a bunch of less then stellar releases. Games I had thought about pre-ordering.

Thankfully I havn't pre-ordered a game since before No Mans Sky. That game cemented my policy of not buying games until the reviews are out.

Except for Totalwar: Warhammer 3, as soon as pre-orders were announced, I jumped at it, especially with the bonus race!
I love the Warhammer games, I know it might launch in a bit of a mess, but I have faith that CA will sort it out and provide a game that surpasses the rest of the series.

Of course I could be very wrong. But are there any games out there that you would pre-order in a heartbeat, or developers you trust to deliver on their promises?

Ill be another who probably pre-orders TW Warhammer 3, didn't realise there was a bonus race for pre-ordering. Generally don't pre-order anymore after getting bitten with Anthem and Battlefield 5.

That’s gone be on gamepass at launch you know
The last game I pre-ordered was Star Citizen. Can't think why I decided I probably wouldn't bother again.

You sure know how to pick 'em!


As for me, never, even if you trust the developer, there's just no point and because there's still the chance THIS happens to be the first time they release a disaster.

Everyone trusted CDPR...nah they'll never sell me a POS...it's CDPR...

I'd love to know why people can't hold off from pre-ordering and just to wait to see what the game is like, people found out what the GTA mobile port disaster trilogy was like within hours.

I buy games when they're finished and a 1/3rd of the price, if not much less, or in many cases free, I game for virtually nothing now.

Early access and pre-order culture has destroyed gaming, but people just cannot help themselves in acting against their own interests for what amounts to a 5 second hit of shopping dopamine...
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Why pre-order anything though?

If you have a slow connection and the game offers a pre-load then maybe I guess?

But even then can people not wait for a game to download.

Or is it cos you get an amaaaaaaazing in game skin or something lols... :p
The only game I've pre-ordered since SWTOR is Baldur's Gate 3. I'm enjoying the Early Access very much and they're really listening to feedback.
Beta tester surely.

You see CP2077 when it came out and BF 2042? Alpha. PRE alpha even.

Beta testing is to iron out the last few bugs that aren't obvious / easy to find /stick out a mile and collecting mass performance stats.

The state that so called AAA games from big devs come out today, is Alpha - And I'm being generous!

I imagine the goal posts have moved though from what a devs 'suits' make devs send games out as Beta. And people PAY full whack to experience it!
Given the digital formats these days, day 1 or earlier reviews I find pre-ordering to be mostly pointless. Yeah you sometimes get a small incentive to pre-order but its mostly a useless cosmetic and/or a waste of time.
Significantly cheaper if you use the right sites. I've pre-ordered Elden Ring for £30 from cdkeys, the price goes up the closer to release.

OK this is an exception here, CDKeys have put up games much less during this period (Mass Effect Trilogy comes to mind) that stayed low for a few days after release but this isn't the case for long and eventually all games go much lower. It also isn't always the case and is such a risky decision.

I'm thinking of pre-ordering Gran Turismo 7. I generally don't pre-order any games though, not worth the risk these days.

I'd actually pre-order this too if I was going to play it loads, you get some pre-order bonuses and it's safe to say they have learnt not to release a game like GTSport anytime soon :cry:

I pre-ordered Diablo II remastered, not even played it yet. Currently fight the urge to pre-order Farming Simulator 22. :cool:

Ah dude it's 25% off currently in the Black Friday Blizzard Store Sale.
Some might say pre-ordering does more harm than good for gaming?

Maybe if I was a ten year old or something.

Each to their own I guess but it's not for me.
I think you could buy Star Citizen in 5 years time and it would still be a pre-order.
If I were Chris Roberts (and who would want to be?) I'd close the project down quietly one weekend and send every backer a t-shirt. "I bought Star Citizen & all I got was this lousy T-shirt". I'd appreciate that more than the game now.

Anyone who's spent more than $5k on pretend spaceships** would get a bonus: "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" printed on the back.

[**Disclaimer, I spent about £700 on pretend iRacing cars and tracks]
I have never preordered. I don't agree with giving money to devs before we find out if they've delivered on promises, or even just a good game. They're just no need to preorder. I even setup a steam group back in 2015 because I was so annoyed by the idea. (I don't update it these days)
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