
7 Jun 2003
Did any of you sign up for i27 in time?

anyone going in a team?

this is going to be my first lan, cant wait :D and the best bit is i didnt have to pay! lol, ive wanted to goto an ilan for the past 4-5 lans now but one matter or another has always stopped me from going, hopefully see one or two of you there if anyone from heres going :)
Vampy said:
I'm going payed months ago :p can't wait this will be my second i-series

bah COD....pfft :D think my teams got a COD2 team going, you entering the tourny?

EDIT: im loving the fact theres 194 in css section and only 84 in 1.6, DIE 1.6 DIE!
Clan Fraggers-UK, is the team I am going with (PARA_[***] being my gamer name). This is our 6th I-series as a team, and WILL be in the COD2 tourney with two teams (we have [***] and [FU2]).

Really looking forward to this one, we stand a good chance of being within prize winning positions (not sure on current clanbase situation, but we were 7th last week, but have lost a game since :().
i-series isn't about the prizes, they don't even cover half the cost of entry. :)

I may well be going, tis looking likely anyway. :)
If I pass my driving test in 2 weeks time I would consider going, unless it is too late. Might just wait for the one after and do it properly.
Dj_Jestar said:
i-series isn't about the prizes, they don't even cover half the cost of entry. :)

I may well be going, tis looking likely anyway. :)

We want the prize money to go towards keeping our MPUK server up and running, seeing as a clan is a non-profit organisation, every little helps.

Plus coming first DOES cover entry to the next event.
im going, have been to the past 6-7, but im on the damn waiting list for this one :mad: should have just paid earlier.

even if i dont get a byoc, im going to spec.
paradigm said:
We want the prize money to go towards keeping our MPUK server up and running, seeing as a clan is a non-profit organisation, every little helps.

Plus coming first DOES cover entry to the next event.
To the next event, not the current. ;)

I've won before, so know how it all works.. I also know what a scam the i-series events are. Before they went private, you could look up their finacial records and would see "£30,000 Administration charge".

The event owner does not want to pay for big prizes, the only prizes you see are either small or donations from sponsors. None of the staff are paid either.
Yeah it is quite expensive, supprised the staff don't get paid. But then renting the building and the servers wont be cheap.
the_brainaic said:
I would be going but it's on the Easter weekend, so my dad won't let me. Was gonna be my christmas present as well...

Thats got to seriously suck :mad:
I would love to go, just dont really have the time now, hopfully I will be able to go in the summer
The prize winnings cover both the current iseries and the next one.

Every winning team gets free entry to i28, and last time i checked most tournies had a minimum prize fund of £500. £75x5 < £500.

BF2 has a prize fund of £3000 this time round...
DJammyRasta said:
i will start going when the prices are normal.... i get a better ping these days on my connection than i do in huge lans

and i have pr0n :D
Your LAN card or the LAN's you attend must suck balls then. My ping at I-Series is always <20 generally its 10ms or around that.

If i'm lucky and find a very local and half empty server on the internet, I can get maybe 34ms.
paradigm said:
Your LAN card or the LAN's you attend must suck balls then. My ping at I-Series is always <20 generally its 10ms or around that.

If i'm lucky and find a very local and half empty server on the internet, I can get maybe 34ms.

The I-Series LAN is quite infamous for having poor latency. Or rather, any LAN with more than 255 active connections. It's a limitation of TCP/IP so it's not MPUK's fault.
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