well there is also tons of people on battlefield 1 forums saying why am i dropping to 30 fps. also as said benchmarked on same server with players with older i5s. that was proper benchmarks timed 1 minute runs min max and avg. people can spout the recommended is bs but tbh its pretty close to being right.
also as we already seen most people are not benching minimum frame rates. only avg and max.
That's stupid logic. There are also people all over the Battlefield forums with GTX970s, GTX1070s and all kinds of performance cards that are getting terrible FPS.
But we don't leap to the conclusion that it's the raw power of the card at fault, do we? Of course not, it's a system issue.
Same with people getting bad FPS drops on i5's, it's not an inherent problem with i5 hardware, it's a system issue of some description, be it software, or a game issue with their specific hardware setup.
Remember when BF4 came out? Some people's game was crashing every round, other people (myself included) very rarely had the game crash at all. I also had an FX-6300 based system at the time and I was getting drops to 20fps all the time. But I didn't blame the CPU, I blamed the game.
Obviously if you're using a very old i5 - be it an i5-760 1st gen, or 2nd gen 'S' or 'T' model i5's, you will get some dips and drops.
But fully fledged i5-2500, i5-3470, types models are perfectly capable of maintaining a solid, reliable framerate.....
Did some testing on my ancient 1366 mobo with X5675. At stock CPU speed (3.06GHz) had really bad FPS drops with GPU usage going to about ~70% on a stock 970.
Overclocking the CPU to 4GHz removed the drops on Argonne Forest but could only reduce them on Ballroom Blitz and Kaiserslacht. Was very playable though and mostly stayed at 55+ fps (1080p Ultra).
Thanks for those figures, that's really interesting, haven't played BF1 on the 1st gen, but did play Fallout 4 on an overclocked i7-920.
It was technically badly bottlenecked with a GTX1070 but managed to maintain a pretty solid 55-60fps, remarkable for 7 year old hardware.
I'm backing my posts up with visual proof, you are just posting nonsense, show me how **** an i3 is for gaming.
Don't bother engaging with them, from my short time here there are a few tinfoil hat wearing types around here who feel their own opinion outweighs professional benchmarks, reviews, etc despite flying in the face of all logic and proof.
One guy here a few posts back essentially said he doesn't have to ever use an i3 to know it's crap - tells you all you need to know.
You post links to reliable benchmarks, reviews, from all manner of pro websites - they accuse them of being skewed, shills, and start spouting off personal anecdotes, linking to random forum posts, and sometimes random youtube videos to support their flawed arguments.