I5 2500k - Gigabyte Z68XP-UD3P Overclocking


67c max in prime however it gets upto 73C if I did an evening one due to being it slightly warmer in the house, heating.
Yes that looks about right as you are using load line it will give it that little extra because of vdroop, keeps your volts more stable. For example i'm trying for 4.7 again as my cpu is cooler by 7C.

1.35V + Load Line Calibration level 6 = 1.38-1.40v using intel burn test.
Ok 4.8 is very unstable and that would mean messing with the voltages some more which I can't be bothered to do, 4.7GHZ is my limit and is stable.

One thing I hate about this board it's a pain in the arse to reset it back to default settings with it constantly ending up at the logo screen, freezing then rebooting with a bad OC. Even resetting the cmos can meet with the same issue. Also if it does crash you can sometimes end up with no display till you end up on the logo screen. Really should have a better way of clearing a csmos.
Ok well this went terribly i altered the seetings this tiny bit and got the dreaded bootloop couldn't even get to bios after removing power and cmos battery to reset. i ended up pulling the MoBo 24 pin and re inserting and was able to access the bios so just changed back to default settings. I have to say i was surprised that such a little change in settings caused the computer to play up as much as this. could i have a faulty board??

1.4 ram volts... that's really low, most default to 1.5v however 1.55v+ is the sweet spot. Not saying thats what is causing your issue. I agree though happens to me too one wrong move and the board is hell to get started up!. Hits the boot logo freezes and reboots
Yes!, go to page two on this subject and you will see mine ;)

Yes but that doesn't have the full bios settings which I wanted :(

EDIT : Noticed you just copied mine derp moment lol, It's probably my cpu not liking 4.8 unless I go much higher in volts
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Still can't use 4.8 and this board is a complete **** with it's boot loops, even resetting csmos it doesn't always fix it. You end up stuck on the BIOS logo and it just reboots itself and repeats.

4.8 is unstable can't even reach past the bios screen :(, any tips?
Just kept on retrying over and over again.... Sometimes just leaving the power cord out till the board is cold will work.
This board is a real pain in the backside to work with after a bios flash, the same thing happened previously. You'd flash the bios, reboot the system and it would constantly get stuck at the bios logo and shut itself off. Clear the cmos then it would finally get to the bios so you can set your system settings up. After setting the default settings ( not overclocked ) and click save and exit it would save and the system would shut down and power back up again before going into a logo loop requiring another clear csmos then it works perfectly.
24hrs?, just let it run for atleast 10 that's what I did and have been good :), temps look ok at the moment but i'd look towards getting it lower when heading towards next summer :D

Intel Burn Test 20 loops High+ is also recommended as above
My ram is set to about 1.6v, the boot loop issue is a bug on this board i'm afraid, they said that the Beta bios F7B fixes it but it doesn't
I just read this

I too was having this infinite post loop problem on my motherboard. What I finally realized, is when applying the xmp profile in the MB settings it says that the mem controller voltage goes up too, but after going into the voltage settings page and actually looking at the mem controller voltage the higher voltage is never applied . I manually set this to the xmp specified voltage and problem went away. no more post loop, no more random idle bsod.

It could well be the VTT/QPI voltage that's the problem, when set to auto it should use the voltages for the memory profile. However it doesn't and stays on about 1.050v or just over which is far to low. The kingston needs atleast 1.2v VTT/QPI, where'as the main volts still need to be set to your memory which I did anyway.

So look at your profile voltages for VTT and set them correctly not auto, usually it's about 1.2v vtt/qpi, i've set to 1.190v because it over volts slightly to 1.220v.

Will test the cold boot issue and see if it's fixed :)
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