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i5 2500k upgrade

id just sit tight until zen launch or go for a i7 package you plan to keep.

bf1 wants as much cpu power as you can throw at it for the best results.i tested so many configurations with various cpus. x99 platform for bf1 is the best currently available but expensive.before 6700k/7600k no its not as good in bf1. especially in 64mp games.

so if you can hang on a little while wait for zen. see actual benchmarks hopefully in 64 man games. then decide. buying a 2600k/2700k isnt going to help to much this late in the day.they not far behind the aging 2500ks.which modern games are starting to show them whos the boss.

modern games for eg and the 2500k vs 7600k can be upto 30 plus fps difference.

or you could buy a 2600k/2700k cheapish play with it to tide over and hopefully sell just before zen drops probably marchish.thing is if zen lower stuff is faster the 2500ks,2600,2700 will be worth next to nothing.
I'd start by overclocking your i5 more.
Perhaps 4.6 - 5.0GHz depending on heat and your case cooling.
Since GTA5, BF1 and Forza are all CPU demanding games.

Beyond that, I'd hold off on any purchases of Ryzen or KabyLake, until Ryzen is released to the public, and we know how it compares.
If at that point, you want a new shinny system, at least you can make an informed decision, based on prices, benchmarks, core count and overclocking potential. :)

I personally feel that all Gaming PC's need to be Quad Core minimum, going forward.
Yes, 4 Core i7 Intel processors have great IPC, but realistically looking at console's (PS4 Pro + Scorpio)
There all 8 core multi-threaded systems, they will be the standard that all AAA titles will be optimized to use.
Just look at BF1 or GTA5, the love 6-8 Core systems.

Personally going forward in the next year or two I'll be investing in a new system, with a 8 Core CPU, just so the system will last another 5-6 years, with demanding multi-core games. :D
if you pc suits your needs that is fine.

there is cpus twice nearly 3 times as quick.same as gpus.is it worth it ? only you know that.
I have a 2700k cpu and m2 on an asrock mb. The samsung 950pro runs great! not quite full speed but averag of 1800read 960 write.
I was in the same situation as you a few weeks ago. I decided I get the 2700k. You can alway sell it again and are not going to lose money on it anyway. What I found is the 2500k was running at 100% on 64 player BF4 @4.4Ghz. When I moved to 2700k @4.4Ghz the CPU is running more at 80%. This totally stopped all the dips in framerate. Obviously a faster CPU will help the average frame rate, but any CPU that keeps the game from being maxed out will help the minimum frame rate for example when a tank explodes and the CPU has extra calculations to do.

TLDR - If your CPU hits 100% your minimum frame rate will suck. Any CPU that will stop the game from hitting 100% will improve your minimum frame rate.
I was in the same situation as you a few weeks ago. I decided I get the 2700k. You can alway sell it again and are not going to lose money on it anyway. What I found is the 2500k was running at 100% on 64 player BF4 @4.4Ghz. When I moved to 2700k @4.4Ghz the CPU is running more at 80%. This totally stopped all the dips in framerate. Obviously a faster CPU will help the average frame rate, but any CPU that keeps the game from being maxed out will help the minimum frame rate for example when a tank explodes and the CPU has extra calculations to do.

TLDR - If your CPU hits 100% your minimum frame rate will suck. Any CPU that will stop the game from hitting 100% will improve your minimum frame rate.
I noticed this too comparing my friend's i5 3570k to my i7 4770k, theyre not clocked the same, he has a GTX 1080, 1440p144hz monitor and he says that he feels BF1 being stuttery. When we looked at the CPU usage it was absolutely capped at 100%.
Whereas mine fluctuates 60-90%, 100% sometimes but for a brief moment and my experience is butter smooth.

Could this be games liking the extra 4 threads on the i7's?
I have a 3570k running steady at 4.5. Does anybody think it will be worth upgrading to an i7/Ryzen by the time vega comes around?

Currently game at 1440p, but don't want a bottleneck if I opt for Vega when it arrives.
id get the i7, maybe some faster ram if cost is ok
i got some 1866mhz stuff, might try it at 2133mhz see how it likes it or not, but got 32gb :)

i dont think the kabylake stuff gives enough of a jump to warrent upgrading for me

and ultrawide 1440p is pretty high res too remmber, clock that gfx card ;)
The 2500k isn't all that far behind given there is only a 5%(ish) jump each generation, overclock that chip as far as it will possibly go and your all set, that said, if you can get the 2600k for £50 I would get that then overclock that as far as it would go
I noticed this too comparing my friend's i5 3570k to my i7 4770k, theyre not clocked the same, he has a GTX 1080, 1440p144hz monitor and he says that he feels BF1 being stuttery. When we looked at the CPU usage it was absolutely capped at 100%.
Whereas mine fluctuates 60-90%, 100% sometimes but for a brief moment and my experience is butter smooth.

Could this be games liking the extra 4 threads on the i7's?

Yeah, bf1 loves the i7's extra threads especially on 64 player maps
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