I5 3570k Over-clocking

5 Mar 2012
South Shields
I was directed to this thread for advice of overclocking my 3570k.

My current setup:

Asus sabortooth z77
I5 3570k
X-fire 7950s
8gb corsair xms 1600

Iv tried setting xms in the bios and it boost ram from 1333 to 1600 and CPU hits about 3.53ghz. Iv read a few guides but I am still a little confused.

Any guides to explain the basic would be great or even some direct help on my mobo would be amazing.

Hi Dickie,

Have you ever overclocked before? There's quite a bit to it but with that chip it's not hard really.

Iv tried setting xms in the bios and it boost ram from 1333 to 1600 and CPU hits about 3.53ghz. Iv read a few guides but I am still a little confused.

Q. Do you mean 'XMP' rather than 'XMS'? I only ask because it seems the setting you've tweaked has only effected the RAM and that's what XMP would do.

Back to overclocking: A stock the 3570k has a 'Turbo Boost' mode which raises the multiplier under stressed conditions to bring it up to 3.6ghz as standard, which is probably what you're seeing under load.

I'm far from an expert and don't own your motherboard but I was able to get my i5 3570k up to 4.2ghz using just the Turbo unlocked multipliers and setting PLL

Like I said I'm far from an expert though so I would wait for further guidance before doing anything.

Also, what cooler do you have?
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Thanks for the reply, and yes it's "XMP" my ram is xms lol. I'm running a H80i cooler! Iv never overclocked hence I don't want to go in guns blazing and fry anything.
Decent cooler.

XMP is 'Extreme memory profile' on certain types of RAM that support it, the setting is used to auto-load the theoretical (although usually not actually) optimal best, that is to say, overclocked, settings for the RAM. That's why you saw your RAM speed jump up a bit because your XMS memory obviously supports this function.

As for overclocking the CPU it really depends. The chip should be able to get to 4.5Ghz as a stable OC but it might be better to go for something like what I've done, 4.0 or 4.2 on the Turbo so it's not too stressed the whole time.

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to link to another forum... sorry mods if I'm not... but there is a guide to doing it with your specs here: http://www.forums.custompcreview.com/f57/how-overclock-i5-3570k-4-5-ghz-949/

Youtube video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvmiZq32gIc


DO NOT mess with VCore unless you're sure you know what you're doing.

Not to put you off though, the chip is designed to OC.

Have fun!
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3570k aftermarket cooling good board thisl be easy

pop into the bios hit f7 for advanced pop into the ai tweaker turn ai clock tweaker to off and set the turbo frequency to 42. my 3770k on that board with maxed lanes does 4.3 with a neg core offset of 0.020 try 0.010 negative and see what that does, also change the pll to 1.65 down from 1.9. Hit save and boot. This should give you an easy 4.2ghz on less that 1.2 vcore. Once booted fire up cpuz and coretemp run prime to make sure its stable.

What's a good top temp to aim for? i.e. not exceed. (I know 105c is the limit but obviously you don't want to go anywhere near that high! )

personally you shouldnt be going much above 80. low 80s is safe but low i mean 81-82 that will leave you some headroom for summer months. Following those voltages above though ibe be surprised if you broke 70, IBT on mine with a 22/23ish ambiant on hits about 68ish on the hottest core mines running 1.114 ish at 43. All chips are different though mine does 4.3 easy on neg offsets 4.4 needs extra volts though, theres always a cut off point for the chips and the setup
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Excellent. That question was just as much for me as him! I'm getting about 70 on hottest core but my volts are on auto so I know I can cut that down by 5-10 degrees if I play with it... which I will... eventually!
Try knocking the offset down a bit i was really surprised at what my chip could run off and tbh ive not played that much i might even be able to knock more off with some more time and youl be surprised the difference it makes temp wise too, auto on mine at 4.3 was running at 1.25 vcore and breaking 80 with prime ive dropped nearly 20c off with neg offset
no turbo is the max multiplier its probably set to 35 by default also make sure turbo ratio is set to all cores. There will be 4 setiings for it 1-4 core ratio limits leave the bclk at 100
yes the ai tweaker, Tell you what im about to leave work give me half hour to get home ill grab a couple of screens and run through it with you
As always no responsibility is taken for anything that burns melts or causes your machine to self distruct, im 90% confident that these settings will work and wont melt anything but you do this at your own risk.

Also these settings are my settings the dont mean yours will run the same. Anyway enough of the arse covering lets see some screens

Ill assume you know how to get to the bios and enter advanced mode so lets start with the cores


As you can see I started with loading XMP profiles and making sure multicore support was turned on. Drop the turbo ratio to manual and put in your desired speed. I would say 75%+ 35/3770ks will do at least 4.2 without breaking a sweat


As you can see ive added negative offset a little about that;
When you pc boots the cpu talks to the bios and between them comes up with a figure they think is required for booting, that more often than not is wrong either more than needed or not enough, what the ofset allows you to do is tweak that up or down. On these relatively low clocks often a negative offset will allow you to still be stable and cut vcore and thus temps. Exactly what offset is required will vary you might get away with using less vcore (greater neg offset figure) or you might need more, no one can tell you exactly what you will need.

## Word of warning make sure if you do play youve got the correct offset it goes both ways negative and positive too much positive and things will melt before you get to windows to do that much damage would require being a colossal ass hat but got to say this anyway ##

Youl also see ive dropped the pll voltage down, Im not 100% sure exactly what this does but everyone says it should be around 1.65 rather than 1.9 it seems to work ive stuck with it less voltages are great i assume.


Last screeny at 4.3 ive found no requirement to up the LLC you might need to for stability my suggestion try it on regular and see how you get on, I also upped the current capability running ibt ive seen as high and 75 watts under the 77 but I didnt want issues again this isnt a requirement unless your getting close to the edge but upping it to 110% doesnt cause any harm but might stop throttling if you start to go higher.

I'm pretty sure this will get you started but all clocking is a trial an error no two boards and chips are the same. Keep within temps stay safe with the voltages and above all bit at a time, dont jump in at 5 ghz and 1.4v or you will break something, oh and have fun ;)

EDIT Added a last final screen of my running prime


As you can just about see my vid and vcore are nearly the same so probably wont be able to tweak the neg offset much more wont stop me trying though
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That's spot on mate would you recommend me maybe running 40 x turbo and neg off set of 0.010 just to make sure nothing goes pop?
theres nothing wrong with starting at 40 and working up with the voltage again start with no adjustments make sure its stable at that multi and tweak from there i went to my highest stable multi without adding volts first which was 4.3 this could be 4.0 or 4.5 who knows, then i tweaked the neg voltage one step at a time .005 .010 etc. Taking your time is your greatest asset.
For the temps see above your safe up till your high 70s low 80s but with temps less is more
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Right iv set turbo at 40, neg offset to 0.005, CPU pll voltage to 1.65 and the current capability to 110% and computer switched on and booted to windows so I take it that's a good sign lol

Temps idle on the 4 cores are 27 22 32 30.

So my next set upping it to 4.1? And when should I increase the neg offset???
what are your load temps and what does cpuz show your vcore? Concentrate on 1 or the other to start with upping multi or playing with voltages dont do both cause when you start getting issue (and you will) you wont always know if your hitting a vcore limit or a multi limit. Id up the multi bit at a time till you start getting prime issues
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