I5 3570k Over-clocking

UPDATE - iv uped it to 4.1 and offset to neg 0.010

under load vcore was 1.206max is that ok?

how long should i run prime95? and would it chuck errors up if there was a problem?

did a quick 5 minute test 0 errors and max temp was 60!

Update number 2 : on cpuz on load core voltage was 1.128 and drops back to 0.952
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1.206 is fine vcore wise temps are good too, remember neg offset takes away vcore you currently increased multi and dropping vcore it wont keep going like that. Its dropping back cause speedstep is still kicking in thats fine

I normally run 15-20min prime before the next tweak
this is after 5 minutes

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yeah leave the offset alone for the moment concentrate on just upping the multi youve got plenty of head room lets see how far your multi can go
How will i know when I have maxed the multi will prime chuck errors up??

And with the vid and vcore is the vcore what it's getting and vid what's required??
Basically iv just read that vid is the number that the bios thinks its needs which is normally wrong at stock vid should increase with increased multiplyer and vcore should drop with neg offset getting the 2 matched means its getting exactly what's required???
yeah youl start getting errors, blue screens etc.

Vid is the rating the intel have binned the chip at at that multi the vcore is what the chip is actually asking for and recieving

Edit: yes thats about right
thats what ive tried to do. There is a cut off point though which is different for each chip where at a certain multi youl start having to up the offset giving it more than it thinks it needs. What i did with mine was to leave the offset alone up the multi till i started getting errors bought it back one then used the neg offset to tweak the vcore to as close to the vid as i thought i could get
computer crashed and restarted itself at 4.3 :( not sure what happened, vcore was jumping between 1.120 1.128 and 1.136 temp was 60 max after about 10 mins them boom restart
try taking the neg offset back to .005, youl probably also want to turn off auto restart on errors in windows that way you get a bsod to help diagnose

EDIT Also you didnt list your psu in your rig specs
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