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I7 4770k delid?

22 Mar 2014
Hi there guys do you know any company that delids cpus for a fee as I'm kind of worried about cpu that I purchased 2nd hand recently as runs quiet hot. Real bench 2 loops cpu core temp highest 73 Celsius degree lowest 63 celciu degree. I used noctua NH-d15 and h100i very similar temps on both cooler, I checked both in case cooler wast mounted in wrong way. This is all at stock temps voltage. Any ideas?
They are hot CPU's as the therm paste is crud, Mine during gaming hits 70 regular and 90+ in stress tests and that is under a custom loop with a water temp of 24c. however as soon as the stress test is stopped it drops to 40-50c so i know its the thermal paste. I did debate it but imo was not worth the risk. im happy for it to run at that temp tbh.
Delidded mine with a photograph celluloid cutting blade (finer than a stanley blade). Just take your time, watch the videos on youtube so you know the areas to stay away from. Patience is the key though; did mine in around 20-30 minutes and reapplied with better thermal paste and temps improved dramatically.
I'm quiet afraid to do it my self as chip cost quiet a bit. I was looking for a company that does it for a fee but it seems like there isnt one that offer this kind of service
someone here delidded one with dental floss,its lost on the threads/posts somewhere

take care of the centre of the chip as that's where the die and a line of resistors are and are easily broken off,just do one side at a time rotating the cpu each side without passing through the centre

he loosened the adhesive with alcohol first

hammer and vice is next easiest method,cutting the lid off with a razor is the most risky as you stand to nick the pcb and kill the cpu
It was in my thread where I was crying when I killed my 3570k

It was an old pentium chip from the core 2 duo worth about £3.
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I was more like £30-50 for delid. I think I will buy few exxxx due cores from ebay test them before and after delid. I dont want to risk a cpu as its still £180 which to me is quiet bit of money.

No one is going to delid it for that.

What if they get it wrong? Will you want a new 4770k from them in return for your now dead chip?

I'd do it for £30 if you didn't want a replacement if it went wrong.
How hot is it getting in normal use? Iirc my 4770k at 4.5 on 1.275v was in the high 60's to low 70's in game, never tried real benchon it. Both 4790k's maxed out in the low 80's using real bench. Both circa 1.300v at 4.7. Mid 60's to low 70's in game. They are hotter running chips than say sb, but its not dangerously high. All three of mine would get into the 90's at stock on stuff like p95 or ibt. But tbh those programs just aren't realistic for theese chips. You need to weigh up wether its worth the risk to scalp the lid off or live with slightly higher temps in normal use.
Okay so is there any way to soften the silicon or whatever its holding ihs ? I tried with hairdryer just now on e7300 2minutes 20 cm away from chip, but when I try to do with dental floss it doesnt want to go through and I dont want to be to hard as my fingers are already red :D
This is at stock clocks+voltages 2 loops of real bench.
Okay so is there any way to soften the silicon or whatever its holding ihs ? I tried with hairdryer just now on e7300 2minutes 20 cm away from chip, but when I try to do with dental floss it doesnt want to go through and I dont want to be to hard as my fingers are already red :D

ipa will loosen the adhesive,then floss away
This is at stock clocks+voltages 2 loops of real bench.

Seems two of your cores are much higher than the other two. I cant recall what I got at stock on the 4790k's with real bench. But both used around 1.2v at stock, on theese one core hits 4.4ghz with turbo enabled. I'll see if I can find any old screenshots of either.


Stock run on a 4790k of rb. Cant recall which one that was but both were pretty similair.
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