That makes no sense to me. Surely those who are content to stick with auto boosts are those who have no interest in overclocking. or aren't sufficiently nerdy enough? Those of us who do overclock will do so properly.
What you have just said, is not actually what i said or meant. It's fairly obvious from the vast number of posts in CPU/Ram sections of the forum that a huge number of peeps become completely baffled when there ram won't run stable on an AMD rig when they have set DOHCP. An even bigger number of peeps just leave there ram at DOHCP should it prove to be stable. Take what you will from that, but to me it means peeps can't be bothered to clock and test ram properly. Yes, maybe it's because they arn't "nerdy" enough.............................being on an overclocking forum though should at least make some mildly interested in finding out how to overclock.
As far as Auto boost is concerened, during and since the reviews of Ryzen 2 most commentators have constantly said there is no point in attempting to overclock past the boost speeds. My view is they are completely wrong and have let us all down by not even trying. With good water cooling it's fairly easy to get a 2700x to 4.3ghz all core clock and very easy to run a 4.4GHz all core clock for benching. Again though, if peeps don't know how to, then they will simply use Auto Boost.