i7 920 D0 Stepping

TBH i think you will be fine at anything up to and including 85C (Load). Best bet would be to do more research with regards to your Mobo and it's bios settings. Then work on getting your voltages down whilst still being stable :)
yes a bit of research on all these new settings is needed to understand it all properly. There are a lot of options in the bios set to AUTO which may not need to be.

Will bench @ current settings tonight then possibly play around with voltages to see if it'll come down anymore.
Yep, i would take your Vcore, PLL, VTT, NB, SB and DDR3 all off auto. From time to time i've heard about boards running the above voltages at silly values.

I think there are some i7 threads around that should be helpful in detailing some safe voltages for you to start with :)
i have set the TJMax @ 95deg (still unsure what is best) and these are current temps after 20mins Prime.
Even though prime says different to bottom right corner.

I'm thinking i could lower my voltage for the cpu slightly as in the bios it's @ 1.34v but also cpu-z is showing the multiplyer as 20 and once rime finishes it jumps back to 21. Why is this?

can anyone offer any explination as to why cpu-z drops my multi to 20 from 21 (including turbo)?

i'm thinking i may try and get it running at 210x20 and turn the turbo function off.
rjkoneill, I'm not sure if I'm reading it right but it looks like maybe you taken the top prize for shortest ever Prime screenshot published on OcUK, title currently held by easyrider for a 19 seconds prime screenie! :D

I'm interested to see some real heavy duty load on these chips but I'm guessing people are a bit scared to melt their new uBer! :p

P.S: I appreciate other users taking time to post up screenies btw I'm just hoping that not everyone is in such a rush!
i try! ;) im just eager - its been going since 20:34, i will post an updated screen once a few hours have passed

it primed at work on air since lunchtime so im guessing it should be ok on water

the D0's we have seen so far have all hated high voltages

we tried 4.2 and above on the UD5 and my Tpower and it didnt like more than 1.325v

im going to go for a higher clock in a few days and find out why my ram speed doesnt alter even when i change it [then tighen my timings, loving the ocz reaper 1866, miles better than my 1600mhz dominator]

still getting to know the ins and outs of the bios on my new board
my p6t deluxe died a horrible death

and took my memory and chip with it

im still mourning the loss :(

fancied something different - really liking it so far

any idea why my ram doesnt run at the speed i set it to in the bios?
do i have to change something else?

in all fairness - i have only had to alter about 5 settings and type my memory timings in for 4.2ghz

tried three different voltage settings
1.296 seems the best so far

im going to see how low i can get the vcore soon

[updated my prime screen btw - just for you Big.Wayne ;)]
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So those temps are on water? :eek:

Was wondering if you have considered a Push - Pull setup on your 120.1?
What speed are you trying to run the ram at?

well it runs at 1600 at 4.2 as 1800/1866 isnt available

it seems to be at 1600 on all my profiles i made so far

but like i said - ive only had the board a day - will probably figure out hwat part of the bios im noobing up! lol:D

So those temps are on water? :eek:

Was wondering if you have considered a Push - Pull setup on your 120.1?

the single rad has gone ;)
treated myself to a thermochill triple

its good because it means i can do a lot more with it cooling wise
[original plan was to put NB/SB blocks and mofst blocks on my p6t deluxe

but it died so that went out of the window

bad thing is it doesnt fit in the case - so its currently out of the back

no big deal :cool:
well it runs at 1600 at 4.2 as 1800/1866 isnt available

it seems to be at 1600 on all my profiles i made so far

but like i said - ive only had the board a day - will probably figure out hwat part of the bios im noobing up! lol:D

The memory dividers are a bit limited on the board :( but if you want the full ram speed, you could try a higher bclk and lower multi. I assume you're using the latest 304 bios although not much was added over the previous ones..
i'm still miffed why my cpu-z shows only x20 multi and yours doesn't :mad: grrrrrrrrr but at stock it's fine. Maybe missing something in the bios. There's a lot to learn with these new i7's :confused:

anyways, i've reset my bios and here's a screen of voltages at stock = 1.160v.
and yes prime hasn't been running long (3 mins)

i'm still miffed . . . :mad: grrrrrrrrr

My friend, you have had your system about 48 seconds, put the extra time in, do your homework and be patient, Rome wasn't built in a day!

Your totally bleeding edge and using almost Beta hardware so expect a few hiccups here and there! :cool:

Most important thing is to enjoy yourself right! :)
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