icecold's training log

Training 30/05/23


Power shrugs 3x5x140kg

RLD 3x8x130kg

BOR 3x8x80kg

Good mornings 3x8x100kg

Chin grip pull downs 3x8x86kg

Leg raises x lots

No drama. Fixed the "backy-ness" of my deads, glute pain was stopping me from tensioning my hamstrings properly. Power shrugs were a little easy.

Also, I'm getting quite lean, which is a shock!
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Yeah I'm really enjoying smashing my core. I'm trying to split it up into endurance and strength sessions, but because it's so bad at the moment that's effectively the same thing :D. Last nights leg raises were with pretty high reps, which was a surprise after not doing them for a few weeks and struggling to get 10 clean reps for sets.

Just about to go and finish off smolov jr, and I'm going to stretch the **** out of my glutes/hams in the hope that I can squat in the next few days.
Training 31/05/12

I was supposed to finish smolov bench with 10x3x122.5kg but it just wasn't happening! I got two sets out before I just completely fatigued, and I struggled with 3 more before calling it a day. Considering how simply I completed 10x3x120kg last week I must just be severely suppressed, so in a way it's a good thing.

Instead, I did this:

Bench (2 count pause)

110kg flew up

115kg likewise

120kg lost my line slightly

125kg flew up, paused PB! lol

Left it there for paused stuff. I pretty sure I had 130kg in me, even after ballsing up my working set, but decided it was time to encourage some recovery. Kind of in line with that thinking, and also because I've never actually done 10 reps with 100kg, I thought I'd give it a go.


Mother******! :D Frustrating as balls! It was so close that I was tempted just to take it, but no :mad:

Then I finished off with some high rep pulling stuff because my back was smoked.

Gemmelus pain update: almost pain free. I'll think about going in today, but I may not have time.
sigma, I'll respond later.

Training 05/06/12

Pin press


Comp grip paused bench

Squats - nope

Bulgarian split squats

Single leg press
some x 5 per leg

Stretching - ~45 mins :eek:

I squatted up to 140kg and there was a little discomfort and very mild pain, so sacked it off. It's vastly improved though, so my resting protocol is working. I was able to do more aggressive stretches that were too painful before, so I'm looking forward to some more improvements. There is still a small chance that I can catch up provided I can squat on friday, so I'll have to wait and see.

Good bench assistance day though. I'm much worse at pin presses than I thought, it turns out my triceps are pretty weak and rely almost completely on momentum generated off my chest. I did get better at them as I went on, so next time I'll see what I can do.
Thanks reiyushin :)

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. The bottom line is that I'll still be good for 200kg even with an injury (I doubt there will be much over 210kg on the day from others), and if I rest it completely then I can destroy myself afterwards.

Currently thinking:

Qualifying total: 512.5kg

Squat: 175kg (lol), 185kg/190kg/????, ????

Bench: 120kg, 130kg, ????

Deadlift: 220kg, 230kg, ????

So that's a comfortable qualifying total on my openers.
Haha he should definitely do that!

I'm fighting the gayness of opening my squats at a weight LESS than what I've done for 10 reps. Super gay.

You know, I'll just open with this weight:

Yeah, so three squats, then three benches and then three deadlifts.

This makes the deadlift weight a little more dependent on the squat weights, but since I'm going so sub-maximal it shouldn't be a big deal.
Training 6/6/12


Power shrugs 3x5x152.5

RDL 3x8x135

BOR 3x8x85

Chin grip pulldown 3x8x95

Good mornings 3x8x135
Training 08/06/12

bar x lots
120 - weird line
130 f - got a bad hand off and the bar slipped to my left
132.5 PB! Flew up
140 f - completely lost my line. It curved away from me on the way down and was all kinds of ****ed up.
140 f - better, just tired now

Some pulling stuff
some x some

I wasn't really taking this session seriously, as I don't really care about setting a bench PB at the moment. I'm still pretty fatigued from stuff earlier in the week, my back and triceps in particular. I'm still convinced I could have had 140kg, another day!
Thanks, it's coming along finally. I should be able to hit a nice PB after the comp. At the moment I'm just aiming for 135kg paused in comp, which would be awesome.
Did a bit of squatting yesterday.

It felt pretty good, I could still feel my injury but when I got going there was no pain that I noticed.

I worked up slowly through the weights (5-10kg increments) until I failed 200kg! No big deal though, it was because I messed up my decent and fell forwards - I'm still not entirely used to being smacked in the face with smelling salts. I'm not sure how heavy I'll go on Sunday given that I could still feel my injury... I might call it a day at 190kg and just do two lifts.
I was meant to do my full deadlifting + assistance + paused benching up to opener yesterday, but my back was feeling a little dodgy from falling forwards on my 200kg squat.

180x2 - felt really fast
200x1 - nice also
225kg back felt funny so aborted. I used smelling salts, and I think there is a pattern emerging because apparently I set up quite differently
210kg felt fine
225kg - no salts and set up was better, but it felt like it was going to be too slow for the week before a comp so left it there for the heavy stuff. I figure if I just do 220 and 230 at comp then that's my working weights for this week done :p

187.5kg 3x3

Power shrugs

bar x lots
60 x 8
80 x 5
100 x 3
110 x 1 long pause - very quick
120 x 1 long pause - smooth!

Good mornings
3x8x120kg - fine

etc etc

Lots of stretching
Thanks, in a complete reversal of fortune it's progressing best out of the three at the moment. 200kg at your (soon to be our \o/ lol) bodyweight is a lot of weight, but I'm sure you'll progress past it.

After some pondering, which might seem irrelevant, I've decided to change my short term game plan slightly. Basically, I'm not going to push myself too hard to produce a special lift at nationals. If that ends up happening then great, but to train for that after a) dropping a load of weight, and b) coming back from injuries in only a couple of months would be crazy. The really big PBs will come in December or the new year, right now I need to get comfortable at this bodyweight (i.e. be able to eat at maintenance for a change) and not aggravate my injury.
Last meal consumed a few hours ago, feeling relatively ok despite carb depleting.

I should make weight comfortably, I'm hoping to go to bed just under 84kg and then just coast the rest of the way.
A change of training plans...

I need to get my injury sorted. Although the muscle isn't a prime mover in anything I do, it messes up anything with hip extension and that covers 2/3 of my important lifts.

So, the plan is to begin an off season training phase with my favourite stock routine to add a little mass, HST. I'm also preliminarily going to say that I'm going to pass on nationals this year. This allows the following:

1) Not pushing myself to train for an important comp through an injury
2) Remove the pressure of wanting to do well at nationals so I can focus on what I need to
3) Continued fat loss is easier and I don't have to worry about a calorie deficit being detrimental to my peaking phase
4) I can work on my conditioning

If I feel fine after 6 weeks of HST then I may taper and compete, but at the moment I don't see my injury going away if I'm slamming it multiple times a week with heavy stuff.

HST may start this evening, and I'm looking forward to it while simultaneously dreading the 15 rep phase!
Hang on. Are you competing or not, don't leave it hanging on the result of your 6 weeks on HST, make a decision and stick to it then train accordingly :)
That's the point, I can't commit to training for nationals with my injury being the way it is.

I'd already mapped out all of my training until the start of September (nationals is 8th and 9th I think), but there isn't enough room to factor in full recovery.

The other factor is, even if all goes to plan without HST, I may still be lifting a lot less than I want to. If it was a regular comp then this wouldn't bother me, but to rock up to nationals and under perform by 50kg would be a waste of time. For example, I think I'd be very lucky to squat 220kg and deadlift 240kg, which would only just make me competitive.

I think I have to prioritise recovery at this point, there is always next year. Believe me, I want to compete, but I need to think about my long term progression.
Sounds like you just need a break from all the comp stuff and focus on some training you'll enjoy for a while. If you are focusing on mass won't that push your weight up for future comps?

Also, videos ;)
Videos are coming!

That's the other side of this, I was beginning to not enjoy training. I've not squatted without pain for two months now, and the affect on my deadlift was constantly annoying. I was managing to roast the erectors in my lower back because I couldn't keep the tension on my hamstrings at the bottom of the deadlift with higher loads.

I'm not actually looking to add any more weight, I'll be going for more of a re-composition. I'll be able to up my kcals slightly and still lose fat, and I'll also be able to do some sprinting and strongman stuff for conditioning.
Training 21/6/12

Squats 2x15x110kg

RDL 2x15x105kg

Inc DB press 2x15x27.5kg

WG Pullups 2x15xbw

Dips 2x15xbw

HC2PP 2x15x30kg

****! This beat the **** out of me. Easy weights, but the reps and 90 second rests were horrible!

Felt good though, no injury pain, and I think the reps (lactic acid!) are going to do my injury some good.
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