icecold's training log

Training 11/07/12

Looooooong mobility warm up

Good mornings 2x10x115kg

Front squats 2x10x95kg

Bench 2x10x90kg

BOR 2x10x80kg

Arnold press 2x10x25kg

BB curls 2x10x40kg

CGBP 2x10x77.5kg

Extremely stiff from soft tissue work and snatches yesterday, but I managed everything. I must remember not to snatch (badly) and expect to do anything productive with my shoulders the next day.

I was pleased with todays front squats, I don't think they've ever been so comfortable. The second set was even better than the first, probably because I'd warmed up some tighter areas. No adductor pain today, woop!

Training 13/7/12

Squat 2x10x142.5kg - easier than last time

RDL 2x10x137.5kg - beginning to test DOH grip now. Did some super bracing which made then awesome but very tiring

Incline DB bench 2x10x40kg

Pullup 2x10xbw+7.5kg

Dips 2x10x30kg

HC2PP 2x10x60kg
Training 16/7/12

Good mornings 2x10x122.5kg - finally feeling these get a little tough

Front squats 2x10x100kg - easy. Adductor was complaining a bit but it cleared up after the first set. Better bracing pattern again, I just need to figure out how to breath...

Bench 2x10x95kg - waaaay easier than 90kg. I didn't have time to work up to a top single today, but these felt good

BOR 2x10x85kg

Arnold press 2x10x25kg - running out of time now, so all of the following sets were basically super setted.

BB curls 2x10x40kg

CGBP 2x10x82.5kg
Training 18/7/12

RDL 10x145, 10x150 - grip was going on the first set, DOH finally met it's match! 150kg was far too easy with straps, should have added more

Squat 2x10x150kg - adductor was feeling pretty bad today. Easy weights, but a disconcerting amount of pain.

Incline DB press 2x10x45 - really tough today, but it is the heaviest day

Pullups 2x10xbw+10kg - fine

Sacked off the rest, may or may not do the dips and HC2PP on friday. I'm pretty annoyed about my injury, it's looking like it's STILL going to require a couple of weeks of complete rest. It might just be a little tight due to the 400m repeats I did on tuesday, but it should be healed by now :mad:
Training 20/7/12

Good mornings 2x10x130kg - second set belted to see what it felt like. It made it a lot easier and I probably could have added 10+kg

Front squats 10x105kg, 10x110kg - second set belted, much prefer these totally raw. Minimal injury irritation too :)

Bench 10x100kg, 10x102.5kg - WOOOOOOP! Finally! These felt great today, despite my right pec feeling a bit dodgy from soft tissue work

BOR 2x10x90kg

CGBP 10x87.5kg, 10x90kg - easy, should have added more

Arnold press 10x20, 2x10x25 - I thought I would take it easy with these, but it turns out I didn't really need to

End of the 10 rep phase! Time to see what happens to my injury with lower reps and slightly higher weights. I'm taking squats very slowly so hopefully things will continue to improve.
Training 23/7/12

Squat 3x5x157.5kg - ankle was really stiff so decided to try back squatting in oly shoes. I really didn't like it, but it isn't really a fair test when I so dehydrated and tired. I might try them again at some point, but I have no immediate desire to go back to them.

Pull up 3x5xbw+15kg - easy, felt a bit like a waste of time

Dips 3x5xbw+35kg - ditto

HC2PP 3x5x65kg - I've been doing these with a strict press, and actually I think this is pretty stupid. I'm going to up the weight and do every rep with a push press.

Sweatfest of a session, but it was really easy. Not much bother from the adductor. Really tight hammies and quads from walking around all weekend though.
Training 25/7/12

Deadlift 3x5x200kg - took me a set to remember how to pull, but these were fine

Bench 2x5x110kg, 5x105kg - wrong weights initially, oops

BOR 3x5x95kg

Military press 3x5x55kg - far too light, but I was more interested in getting outside for...

Farmers walk ~60kg per hand x30m there and back x 4

Tire rope pull 30 feet x3

Not exactly the right conditions to bust out some impromptu strongman conditioning, but a friend of mine is leaving for Austria so we had to give him a proper send off. Shirts off obviously, and as a result got attacked by swarms of mosquitoes. I caught on of the bartewards in the act on my calf and ended up with a big blood smear down my leg.

Absolutely shattered now.
Also, operation "get super lean" might be on the cards. I've got a lower body deload on the cards for the week after next. I might start tapering calories until then, and then go really strict for the first time ever. It's going to be horrible.

Weight and pictures this weekend as a starting point I think.
Training 27/7/12

Squats - negatory. Still feeling injury so I initiated my adductor deload early.

Pull ups 3x5xbw+20kg

Dips 3x5x45kg

OHP 3x5x65kg

Training 29/7/12

Delvis 3x12

Front squats - triples up to a comfy 120kg

Hang cleans with push press (sometimes multiple cleans with one press, sometimes the other way around) - lots of sets with triples at 90kg

Training 30/7/12

Deads 3x5x207.5kg - turns out I was little bit fatigued from all the cleans the day before!

Bench - meant to be 3x5x112.5kg, but my pec was so tight it was pulling me out of position so I aborted it :/

BOR 3x5x100kg

30 degree raise/rear delt raise/lateral raise 2x12

I've decided to cut squats out of the last week of HST and start my deload early. I've now got a 4 week training block without back squats, how will I cope?!?

Still planning on getting some pictures taken and starting a cut.
I hadn't intended on doing much, it really wasn't a problem :)

Lower body work will consist of fronties, deficit split squats, deadlift variations, good mornings, RDLs and GHRs. So I'm still smashing my legs, but minimising the stress to my adductors. If the fronties end up bothering me at all they will be dropped. As soon as the Graston guy is back in the country I'm going to have a session of pain/soft tissue work too...
Training 1/8/12

Pull ups 3x5xbw+25kg PB - comfy

Dips 5x50kg, 5x60kg, 5x65kg PB - don't know where that came from, dips weren't feeling particularly strong before today. Wasn't even particularly hard.

HC2PP - I'm primarily working on my hang clean technique, so went up to some triples with 90kg again. My pressing wasn't up to much after the dips though!

Offset reverse lunges (kettlebell in the hand of the side of the stationary foot) 2x8 - these are tough!

Front squat hold 145kg 30 seconds - horrible

I feel like I've worked some new stuff in my core today, I think I'll add the last two exercises in more regularly.
Training 03/07/12

Deads 3x5x215kg - I think this is a 5 rep PB, and there was more in the tank. My belt was a little loose, but I don't think I can tighten it yet. This all bodes well for my next training block.

Incline DB press 8x25kg, 5x35kg, 5x40kg, 5x45kg, 12x30kg - meant to be bench, but my pec still feels tight and I have a lot of pressing next week. I focussed on getting a big pec stretch and big scap pinch so the weights weren't very big, but they felt great.

BOR 3x5x105kg - easy, but I didn't want to push it knowing what was to come...

Single arm inverted KB press 2x5 - someone cleared away the kettelbell before I was finished :( These are much harder than they should be! Despite the low volume, I got some pump in my back and my core was well on the way to getting nailed.

KROC ROWS (!!!) 2x20x45kg - sweet mother of god these are hard. Smashed the crap out of my back.

Roll outs with long pauses at the bottom.

So, this time I'm not doing my usual 4 weeks of 5 reps at the end of HST, so that's the cycle over and done with.

Despite having to drop squats and deciding to rest benching, I'm pretty pleased with how it went. Squats were strong before I packed them in, and I finally got my 10x100kg on the bench + a little more.

I got some nice PBs with dips and pull ups, and I could have got some big HC2PP numbers if I'd pushed it. The lift I'm most pleased with was the deads from the final session; to take a weight that moved pretty poorly on the platform 7(??) weeks ago and rep it 5 times for 3 sets was nice. I've got a vid of the first set and it was really fast. There's almost certainly a PB there soon (PLEASE!!).

Now it's time to move onto some proper powerlifting (minus squats :().
I feel like I have some weaknesses and technical stuff to address before I peak, but I'm optimistic. I'll probably go for a PB at the end of my next training block in about 4-5 weeks.
Training 08/08/12



Deficit Bulgarian Split Squats


Snatch grip RDL

Face pulls
12, 8, 8

Tricep cable push downs
12, 8, 8

I was very tired before I got to the gym, and after this I was shot! I don't think I'll be trying to catch up from missing a previous workout like that again.

First time doing deficit BSGs, I don't think I'll be going over 5 reps on these. Snatch grip RDLs are awesome. Shoulder blades pinched hard, nice slow decent. They weren't heavy enough today to bother my hamstrings much, but I can feel the effects in my upper back today.
They were bad! I fell over, extensively! My core was pulverised from deadlifting, which seems to happen when I lift tired or dehydrated. Neither could be helped yesterday, so I had to push through.

On the track later, woop!
Training 10/8/12

Front squats
bar x some

No pain, but a little uncomfortable. My goal here is to develop some quad strength, so I might just drop them for lunges

Pin press

Incredibly weak with these!

Paused deads

Absolutely horrible!

Wide grip paused bench

Rubbish at these too!

Good session, but I've definitely found some weak spots.
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