Iceland law to outlaw male circumcision sparks row over religious freedom

Well if you had phimosis it was a no-brainer as from what I know it can make intercourse very uncomfortable, it's really no surprise that circumcision has improved things for you. A good deal of porn stars are American and had the procedure done at birth, I don't think that's really a case for having it done though as many porn stars have difficulty climaxing and with sensitivity, many of them are fueled by viagra and the "finishing" shots are filmed separately from the rest of the act.
The majority of porn stars are American and in America most men are circumcised, not due to a religious reason but hygiene and prevention of a number of medical issues can arise in men who are uncircumcised.

My point still stands, i wasn't arguing around the reasons to have it done, rather arguing that it does not in most cases cause an un-fulfilling sex-life.
My point still stands, i wasn't arguing around the reasons to have it done, rather arguing that it does not in most cases cause an un-fulfilling sex-life.

What point were you making though as nobody stated it leads to an unfulfilling sex life in most cases, just that it can do for some people.

You've got your story where it worked well because you had a condition that can cause sex to be uncomfortable, another guy had it done through a medical procedure in his younger years and now can't feel much at all which is precisely why it should be done on a case by case basis and not just for the sake of it or religious reasons.
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Is sex really that much of a driver for your relationships? I know that it's important, but there are so many more aspects that can make sex a minor thing. To close yourself off like that due to sex only is sad...that's not all women want.
It's like the other guy said about his friend - women don't like to feel inadequate. They could be loyal to you, or leave you for a normal guy. They can be completely in love with you and still leave you, they just can't handle it. In your younger years it's worth it to keep trying, get more data points... but eventually the emotional effect wears on you and it becomes not worth trying anymore. Perhaps as I get older I'll date older women and they'll behave differently, we'll see.
Perhaps as I get older I'll date older women and they'll behave differently, we'll see.

I'm sorry to hear that that has been your experience. I'm not "older" myself, but I'm sure sex becomes less important as people get older. Stability, reliability, attitude etc. all probably take the lead when it comes to relationships.
The majority of porn stars are American and in America most men are circumcised, not due to a religious reason but hygiene and prevention of a number of medical issues can arise in men who are uncircumcised.

Not really, as someone else already pointed out the reason for its popularity in the US essentially stems from it being used as an anti-masterbation measure. This dates back to a time when it was thought masturbation was the cause of various diseases etc... of course since then, with it being so well established, some in the medical profession there have sought to try and justify the continuation of the practice.
Not really, as someone else already pointed out the reason for its popularity in the US essentially stems from it being used as an anti-masterbation measure. This dates back to a time when it was thought masturbation was the cause of various diseases etc... of course since then, with it being so well established, some in the medical profession there have sought to try and justify the continuation of the practice.

I never knew about the anti masturbation thing so thanks for informing me on that. I do know though that it's justified in America today mainly on medical/hygiene grounds. I believe it came up (pardon the pun) in a Lewis Theroux documentary I saw a few years back where he was involved with the American porn industry, interviewing porn stars and key figures and stuff. He also made a follow up documentary some years later on the subject so it's possible it was mentioned in that one. I can't remember which to be honest.
TBH your more likely to suffer from infections without it. After all it's there for a reason and that is to cover the sensitive parts underneath as well as stop the skin from becoming dry.
TBH your more likely to suffer from infections without it. After all it's there for a reason and that is to cover the sensitive parts underneath as well as stop the skin from becoming dry.

Well that's the reasons they give. I'm not a doctor so I can't promulgate with confidence the validity of the reasons. All I know is I've never had a problem down there and I'm not circumcised.
Not really, as someone else already pointed out the reason for its popularity in the US essentially stems from it being used as an anti-masterbation measure. This dates back to a time when it was thought masturbation was the cause of various diseases etc... of course since then, with it being so well established, some in the medical profession there have sought to try and justify the continuation of the practice.

Whats really funny is these days an awful lot of people in America believe circumcision reduces premature ejaculation problems by desensitising yet as a country they have one of the highest rates of men reporting problems in this area!
TBH your more likely to suffer from infections without it. After all it's there for a reason and that is to cover the sensitive parts underneath as well as stop the skin from becoming dry.

There's little to no evidence to support removing or retaining the foreskin for hygiene or anti-infection reasons...
There's little to no evidence to support removing or retaining the foreskin for hygiene or anti-infection reasons...

Circumcision might have various health benefits, including:

  • Easier hygiene. Circumcision makes it simpler to wash the penis. However, boys with uncircumcised penises can be taught to wash regularly beneath the foreskin.
  • Decreased risk of urinary tract infections. The risk of urinary tract infections in males is low, but these infections are more common in uncircumcised males. Severe infections early in life can lead to kidney problems later.
  • Decreased risk of sexually transmitted infections. Circumcised men might have a lower risk of certain sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Still, safe sexual practices remain essential.
  • Prevention of penile problems. Occasionally, the foreskin on an uncircumcised penis can be difficult or impossible to retract (phimosis). This can lead to inflammation of the foreskin or head of the penis.
  • Decreased risk of penile cancer. Although cancer of the penis is rare, it's less common in circumcised men. In addition, cervical cancer is less common in the female sexual partners of circumcised men.
Might have! What I read from that is that mostly they've experienced a small increase in issued for uncircumcised men, but it's all pretty low level.

Regarding's not exactly difficult. I think the problems there would more likely be caused by poor general hygiene.
I was circumcised at around 2 y.o for medical reasons. Basically it hurt when I peed, believe it was too tight.

Can confirm;

Doesn't stop masturbation.
Doesn't mean an unfulfilling sex life.
In fact most girls have complimented how much better it looks without.
Premature ejaculation doesn't seem to be an issue either...

Probably is easier to clean, I mean I wouldn't know..

Any other questions :D
I was circumcised at around 2 y.o for medical reasons. Basically it hurt when I peed, believe it was too tight.

Can confirm;

Doesn't stop masturbation.
Doesn't mean an unfulfilling sex life.
In fact most girls have complimented how much better it looks without.
Premature ejaculation doesn't seem to be an issue either...

Probably is easier to clean, I mean I wouldn't know..

Any other questions :D

Yeah, cos they're gonna turn round and say it looks like a queen aliens tongue...
Yeah, cos they're gonna turn round and say it looks like a queen aliens tongue...

No you're right... It's not as if I ask 'hey how does this look'. I'm sure if their opinion was bad they would just not say anything, rather than say something out of the blue about it and then lie about it?
Might have! What I read from that is that mostly they've experienced a small increase in issued for uncircumcised men, but it's all pretty low level.

Regarding's not exactly difficult. I think the problems there would more likely be caused by poor general hygiene.

Yep, might have. They can't say will have because there is no evidence to back it up and it would be lies.
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