Icelandic Volcanic Eruption - Significant Disruption to UK Flights

Watching this on the news just now. They interviewed some guy who said:
"Why is there a delay? There is no ash at ground level, so i cant see why there would be a delay?"

Cant even begin to comprehend what he is thinking.
Maybe town (Bath) will be quieter tomorrow if the usual bunch of Japanese tourists can't fly in!

Or it could backfire and town could be packed!

Live under the Bristol airport flight path and it's strange to see no aircraft going past. Enjoying the peace and quiet :D
Restrictions on the airspace around BFS have been lifted between 0100 and 1300. Predictions on what will happen after1300 are hard ot make as the forecasts aren't particularly accurate after that. I'm not sure about Newcastle though. Flights to EDI and GLA from BFS should be going ahead. If flights to Newcastle are going before 1300 tomorrow, try to get on an earlier flight. The volcanic ash may well make its way back into that airspace again later tomorrow.

Hmm cant get an earlier one at all due to being at work until 4.30.
One of our supplier managers (based in Iceland) took the following photos of the volcano. I do not know the age of these photos but the timestamp on them is 30/03/2010. He was due to visit us today for a meeting. I dont think we will be seeing him for the next week or so :P






Crazy Icelandics!
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Girlfriend was meant to fly to Poland this morning! didn't hear it on the radio until a couple of miles away from bristol! Shes got a 26 hour bus ride to look forward too....done it once and it sucked!
Not exactly ... But im just hoping to have the day off... sorry i cant work due to A VOLCANO EXPLODING... its so bad half of Europe is a no fly zone and you expect me to work HA you don't pay me nearly enough to work in these conditions.
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look like my dads flight from HKG has been rerouted to Rome... guess he'll be staying a night there and then apparently will be flying to LHR and arrive at 4.10pm.. but i shall see what NATS has to say in their announcement at 2.30am :(
I cant see any how anything will be airborne until early next week, the volcano is still going for it and wind direction is gonna hold steady for a few days. Its only going to get worse over the next 48 hrs surely.
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