iCook: 'Beer-in-the-butt' chicken with Parmentier potatoes

I tried this a while back from Jamie Olivers American adventure cookbook.

Works really well, keeps the meat nice and juicy :)
Gawd dayum this looks good. Tempted to try it with a can of Grolsch (best beer ever) and some spicy rub.

Probably never happen as i'm too lazy so I shall look at these pictures and salivate instead. :D
Am I the only one worried about the chemicals in the cans paint? (for the record, I like the sound of it though)
Wzd - that looks amazing.

Was gonna say, I wonder if the OP has been given Jamie Oliver's US cookbook for Christmas? :p

Haha, nope :). Just Googled beer can chicken and based it on the first recipe I found. I first heard about it from Googling moist roast chicken.

The thermometer should be placed into the thickest part of the thigh and making sure not to touch the bone.

Once the breast is at a certain point on the scale, I know the whole bird is cooked. I do the clear juices test on the thigh anyway so it doesn't really matter. Consistency is the key more than where it goes, though I agree conventional wisdom states that the thermometer should go in the dark meat.
My attempt as just gone in the oven. Gas Mark 6 2.30 hrs for 2.2kg bird sound about right cooking time?

Not sure if the can in it's bum and onion in its neck will increase normal cooking time anyone confirm?

I'm expeting great things from this :o
That sounds far, far, far too long :p. > 200 degrees C for 2.5 hours will turn it into cardboard.

Imo the can decreases the cooking time, as it cooks more quickly from the inside. I would check the juices after 50 minutes and estimate it taking ~ 1hr. It will carry on cooking while resting also.

What beer did you use out of interest?
Norfolk bitter was the one I used was fantastic , thanks for the heads up on reduced cooking time!

1hr 20 on gas mark 6 worked a treat.

Thanks again for the idea
Yum yum! :)

Why salt it and leave it over night? Surely that'll only draw out moisture and harm the taste?

Meat themometers! *spit*. I can't stand the use of them! Not only do they put a massive hole in the bird, which will harm the taste if you do it regularly but there is no need for them. Just put a small knife into the bird, and if the juices are clear then it's ready.

Otherwise, looks good. Seen this done before and keep meaning to try it. Probably do it this weekend.
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