Ideas for new Lifting Totals thread

Rings only cost £30 - everyone should do them IMO.

I got these ones and they are fine.
You just have to use a slight bit of ingenuity to tie them around the bar/whatever as there are no adjustment buckles etc (hence the bad reviews, idiots gon' idiot.)

As for the topic

I like the sound of a new thread with only new lifts being added (aint even mad i'll be bottom due to no squat)
I like the sound of adding extra stuff, ohp, dips, pullups etc whether it's in challenge form or just extra tables.
Lifetime PBs i don't really care for but that's just me.
A lifetime PB list and a more recent one would be a good idea. More than up for that :)
My comments were more tongue in cheek - but I'm also keen to get people improving their athletic performance - for which I'm sure Icecold and Dom will be massive proponents. Then again I've always been into sports (rugby, rowing and squash), where power,speed and agility were vital and for too many years I've ignored that aspect of my training. Glad to have it back though.

Rings only cost £30 - everyone should do them IMO.

Yep +1 :).

Also I challenge you to box jumps any day! Now all I need is a box . . .

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