If there's 1 generation of gaming you could play forever, which one would it be?

24 Jun 2023
The 4th gen 1990-1996 (SNES, Sega MegaDrive, Gameboy)

The 5th Gen 1995-2001 (PS1, N64, Sega Saturn and Gameboy Colour)

The 6th Gen 1999-2007 (Dreamcast, PS2, GameCube, Xbox and Gameboy Advance)

Looking forward to seeing your replies!
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I'd say the 7th gen. Quality went up a lot (e.g. GTA 4, COD4, ) , variety of games and slightly wierd AA games are still there, fun party games like Guitar Hero, the start of Indi games, but a lot less modern ********.

But thats not an option so 6th gen. Budgets and disk space allows for some big, deep games but games are cheap enough to make you still get the low budget interesting games. Series' on console became excellent like THPS, GTA, NfS...

I like a lot of games from the 5th gen but they're on PC. NfS 2, 3, 4, P2k... HL, Unreal, UT etc.
Damm thats tough.... Being old and seeing the progression and being affordable with decent reliability and not having to wait 10mins for a game to load or only fall over, will have to go with Gen 3 Amgia / Atari St

The joy of a good game where graphics were secondary.
4th gen then 6th gen but it's oh so close it's hard to pic. I love the SNES so much, so many great RPG's. The 6th gen to me is a more refined better 5th gen with so many gems still playable today. While I love me the N64 and PS1 those games haven't aged as well. The 16bit 4th gen is timeless imo.
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I was heavily into home computers (Acorn Archimedes) and PC gaming during the 4th gen period 1990 - 1996, but I also acquired my first console in ‘92, a Super a Nintendo.

That was a big game changer for me, I was lucky enough to save up through several summer jobs and buy Street Fighter 2. That game blew my mind and having my mates come round for endless bouts of winner stays on, we’re the glory days.

I have an analogue Super NT these days, but I still play SF2 Turbo and SSF2 on it. I also play the SF2 collection on Saturn as I think that’s pretty close to Arcade perfection.
This is a really tough one, but 6th Gen was amazing. I still regularly play Dreamcast, PS2 and Gamecube. Tbf as well, I could probably play most of the games that I'd like from previous Generations on some form of compulation or port (MD Sonic , Snes Mario and numerous Resident Evil games being examples).

Also, does backwards compatibility get around playing PS1 games? :D
If I could go back to the same time period it'd be Gen 5 absolutely. Nothing beats them massive gaming days, me and 3 mates around my N64 and my (massive at the time) 19" TV in my room. We'd play Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Goldeneye and Perfect Dark for hours on end. When they went home I'd play on my own and play Ocarina of Time and Jet Force Gemini. Not to mention all the belters I had on PS1 too.

N64 was the pinnacle for me, just for the social aspect of it.
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