If this is the soundtrack of our summer then God help us

a song thats slowly driving me insane is that stupid voodoo child from the bird off neighbours. I admit she is pretty hot but the song is just pants.
I like the Zutons, they are clever, like Supergrass and I think the lead has a decent voice and I like looking at the Saxophonist's legs.... The Kooks are not so clever imho in addition I am not usually bothered by fashion choice but when they wear the Bob Dylan sunglasses and the curly hair my eyebrow gets raised.
William said:
but when they wear the Bob Dylan sunglasses and the curly hair my eyebrow gets raised.

That cracked me up. That 'musician' modelling himself on Dylan is about as missplaced as Johnny Borrell claiming to have talent, let alone being the best songwriter of our generation.





As I said, it doesn't really bother me, just makes me chuckle.
chrisd said:

I concur. It is ridiculous that someone as comparatively talentless as Mr Kook would model themselves on Dylan.

Why the :confused:?

I assumed you were critisicing me when you refferred to it as being "misplaced". So I guess I went in the wrong direction.

I wouldn't say it was ridiculous, it happens all the time. Hell most of the main bands now prance about looking like Joy Division.

With anything hosting an assymetrical haircut being snapped up by Radio 1 and NME. (Thats a pitchfork quote, i'm not that scathing or obnoxious...) :p
georges said:
That Sandi Thom punk rock wish I was. or whatever it's called makes me consider sticking knives in my ears.. it's just poor :(

William said:
Why the :confused:?

I assumed you were critisicing me when you refferred to it as being "misplaced". So I guess I went in the wrong direction.

No I was agreeing with you. What I was trying to say is that if you're imitating someone as great as Dylan you should be able to do more than write middle of the road 'indie-rock'.
Fusion said:
Turn off the radio.

I agree with this. I haven't heard anything longer than 20 second samples on TV of Sandi Thom and Lily Allen, and I luckily haven't seen The Kooks on TV for a while (but then I also never watch TV unless I'm back home in London which I am at the moment). Best thing to do is to listen to your own music all the time, that way you're never annoyed.

On a side note, the suggestion that Razorlight are even musicians is fairly laughable. And The Kooks are just plain bland, simple as. They have nothing to offer. I never noticed the Dylan comparison William (not being a huge Dylan fan), but I see it now, and it's hilarious. While, like I said, I'm not a big Dylan fan, I can appreciate Dylan has more talent in one of his armpit hairs than all of The Kooks have combined.

Also, The Zutons are damn good.
The Kooks have lost a lot of fans, since they had more than 1 song played on Radio 1.

Guess they're not cool anymore. Better go throw away the CD and cut myself.

I'm so glad I've recently discovered the wonderful world of DAB radio and the excellent Planet Rock so I don't have to listen to that dross.
This is why I don't bother with any sort of commercial music, be it rap, rock, pop, whatever :D

I couldn't tell you what the current UK top 10 is, and I am happy that way.

Dance music more than does it for me :)
Spunj99 said:
The Kooks have lost a lot of fans, since they had more than 1 song played on Radio 1.

Guess they're not cool anymore. Better go throw away the CD and cut myself.

Come again? It has nothing to do with being 'emo' or 'alternative'. In fact, I'm not really sure what point you're trying to make.
haven't bothered reading the whole of the thread but if you should just listen to what you want to listen to really, i've not heard anything on the radio (mainly cos i've been in hong kong) and i've just been whoring my mp3 player constantly (now with audioscrobbler support!!!)

i've been listening to too much cursive.


Carzy said:
Also, The Zutons are damn good.

you sold out a long time ago scouser scumbag!
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One More Solo said:
Lily Allen
The Kooks
Sandi Thom
The Feeling

What have we done to deserve this? It's pop that just isn't cheesy enough to be universally loved nor are they serious songs that are good enough to be enjoyed, and for those of us with taste it's a full aural assault. It's painful. Bring back Britpop I say. Anyone else massively underwhelmed by this summer?

I really enjoy what The Feeling have brought out so far. Lily Allen.. I liked her first song, LDN. Sandi Thom - only heard the #1 so hard to form an opinion. The Kooks - indifferent. Comared to 2001/2002's chug fest of nu-metal I feel that music is generally on the up, and theres some fantastic pop coming out these days. Admit it.
00bob00 said:
haven't bothered reading the whole of the thread but if you should just listen to what you want to listen to really, i've not heard anything on the radio (mainly cos i've been in hong kong) and i've just been whoring my mp3 player constantly (now with audioscrobbler support!!!)

i've been listening to too much cursive.


you sold out a long time ago scouser scumbag!

Scousers are sexy, even if they are completely ******* insane :(

She went insane man, completely stark ravin' mad. But oh well!

Also, you can't listen to too much Cursive.
Carzy said:
Scousers are sexy, even if they are completely ******* insane :(

She went insane man, completely stark ravin' mad. But oh well!

Also, you can't listen to too much Cursive.

Who Abi Harding?

If so yeah she is mad, but the whole lot are. I would say they are one of the best newer live acts in the UK. I saw them when they released Who Killed? They must be better now with all the touring they have done.
William said:
Who Abi Harding?

If so yeah she is mad, but the whole lot are. I would say they are one of the best newer live acts in the UK. I saw them when they released Who Killed? They must be better now with all the touring they have done.

Na, a scouse girl I know. Was aimed at 00bob00 because I've told him about her on MSN. She was fiiiiiit, but went psycho on me.
I saw them before they released Who Killed ;)

Seen them 3 times now and are by far my favourite band, but if you look back over the thread no one actually slagged them off, it was a guy saying they should not be slagged off

Agreed with Abi Harding being a nutter :D , but Phoaaarr
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