If you could make one currently legal thing illegal...

People who walk in through exits or vise versa in crowded places. Every time I get a crowd of idiots walking into me, walking in a very specific slalom inducing configuration, while looking directly at their own feet.
They are not cartoons .... More like adult animation .. i cannot explain it its just something you watch and you be submerged in ...

So South Park is not a cartoon? Family Guy? American Dad? Etc?

I love watching anime, but they are just cartoons. Animated cartoons.

Manga is also cartoons, just not animated. I believe the word "manga" is actually translated to mean "comic" so...

[FnG]magnolia;23353703 said:
It should be illegal to have arguments about cartoons.


They're to be enjoyed! Not argued over! I know that's what you're getting at Magnolia! :D
As has been shown, it would take an initial hit but we'd save billions long term by not having to treat smoking related diseases on the NHS.

You do know the taxes raised from the tax on tobacco far outweighs the amount spent by the NHS on treating smoking related diseases don't you?

Furthermore, people who die young from smoking actually cost the NHS less because they don't get old, and old people are the biggest drain (for lack of a better word) on the NHS. If everyone lived to 100, the NHS would become more expensive not less.
/controversial mode on

Having kids with no restrictions.

controversial mode off/

Don't know why this is so controversial to be honest, it's a perfectly sensible idea. Why the poor feel it is a good idea to procreate is beyond me, although the poor are usually poor for a reason.

Yes, lets narrow the gap between the rich and poor by taking some already stretched resources and spread them out even thinner by having children. And while we're at it lets buy a £500 TV for £1000 and pay for it over managable weekly payments spread over the rest of our lives. And then complain we're poor. Wait, what?

It's the kids I feel for, they are born to stupid people, intent on raising stupid kids, who then go on to repeat the cycle.

Forgetting the human rights nonsense for a moment, restricting the spread of the poor is a very good idea.
It should be illegal not to move on with the times.

It really annoys me when you see some campaign group moaning about a lack of 'compassion' for older people when the Royal Mail look to shut down a Post Office that only a few people use and as a result is running at a massive loss. And all because the people that use it are too stuck in their ways and don't want to learn how they can check their balance and do transactions via an internet account.

I know a guy in his 80s who never and has never used a cash machine, yet moans when the bank closes early because he can't get his money.

But as a society for some reason we seem to accept that once people get to a certain age it's OK for the to refuse to move on and learn new things and expect that reluctance to do so to be financed by tax payers.

I realise I will get old one day but I honestly can't see me ever not wanting to learn about technology or new ways of doing things. Being "stuck in your ways" should no longer be a viable lifestyle choice.
Fundamental Atheists.

No such thing. You are either an atheist or not, it's binary. You can't be an 'extreme atheist' or a mild one, You either believe in a god or gods or you don't.

What you mean is anti-religious people (i.e like Dawkins) who seek to convert people away from it. But that isn't intrinsically linked to them being an atheist.
See, imagine this times 1,000 on every Internet forum, endless spouting of cardboard cutout opinion that changes nothing, only seeks to belittle a random group nobody even flipping cared about before 1995 and makes the poster look like some kind of social inadaquate out bullying for kicks. All the arguments are blatant cut-n-paste from the same websites and are trotted out without even being read, interspersed with the same trite little unfunny pictures, any theological counterpoints go right over their heads anyway as the hive mind throttles everything down to the same drooling level of understanding.
It's like some mad compulsion to belittle anything that doesn't fit into these people's world view. Go rage about dodgy modern art or something.

It is boring...


People have, or should have, the right to hold and express opinions. If they choose to express them, they should accept that those opinions are now open to criticism and ridicule. They should also be prepared to defend their opinions in a reasoned, thought-out manner. If they cannot, then their opinion is of no value.

You'll see it on internet forums, as it's a place for discussion. You can't generally pre-moderate the type of people who will join these discussions. If you don't like their arguments you can either dispute them, or ignore them.

I'm also not sure what "random group nobody even flipping cared about before 1995" you're referring to.
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