If you want cheap SSDs buy sooner rather than later!

Would i be better off getting the £80 One then? It won't be much difference to the £120?

As a home user doing home things (win 7, gaming, etc) I would get the cheaper one for sure.

Are you likely to tell the difference between 50MB/s at 500MB/s? Chances are you won't notice it. If you were running a server though It might be a different story.
Last time you said something like this was when they were £110 and we were told "never repeatable offer" on the Crucial M4's, over the next few weeks they dropped further to under the £100 mark.
Last time you said something like this was when they were £110 and we were told "never repeatable offer" on the Crucial M4's, over the next few weeks they dropped further to under the £100 mark.

The whole Toshiba cutting production is completely fictitious. Just like when we told you all about the mass rise in HDD due to floods. :rolleyes:

Also.. Ive said the 128GB M4 will in all likely hood drop in price a little before it goes up. Skim reading has its draw backs.

Toshiba has announced 3 days ago that they will be cutting production of NAND by 30% as of now. The reason for this is that there is simply too much about and as a result many price drops etc have happened over the products. This means that Tosh NAND will increase in price. As a direct result of this SSDs will become more expensive.

Samsung and other NAND producers have all pretty much depleted stocks hence the drives already becoming a little more expensive in places or even out of stock. I have seen the new cost price for the 256GB Samsung 830 series for example for the month of August and the increase in cost to us is around 14.5%.

If you were thinking about buying and SSD from any brand then get one purchased whilst they are cheap. Some lines WILL drop in price a little more before they go up. As a best case scenario they will just level out.

Many of you will know that this exact same situation happens pretty much yearly with DRAM and a quick look on Google or any other search engine will confirm what I have said above.

Every single drive increasing in price is by no means concrete information but for the majority and general rule of thumb it is.

Current deals are running on Intel 330 series, anything on "Today Only" and OCZ Vertex 4.

Other drives that look to be "out priced" in the market at the moment may even see a smidge of a drop in price (think M4 128GB perhaps) as its impossible to see the cost of the NAND that these manufacturers have in inventory as this may be massively out to re-buy costs.

Meanwhile Micron are converting DRAM fabs to NAND..

Swings and roundabouts....
about to buy the samusng 830 for a laptop, what is the desktop in the description all about?

is it because it comes with cables and a bracket?
AM - is NAND manufacturing as efficient as it's going to get or is there still room to make the manufacturing process more efficient?
Will wait to get one for my main pc been waiting a year now so another year wont matter im in no rush. still not buying until they reach £100 for 256gig.
it is so hard to predict how these things will pan out, companies do not like to mothball facilities - and one company mothballing a line for want of a better word presents another company with the opportunity to ramp up...

All these companies have varying P+L and what doesnt work for one does for another...

The recent SSD Price collapse has been fantastic for the end user, but like memory - if there is to be any price recovery I would expect it to be more marginal and much less dramatic than the recent falls. The long term trend as with all things tech will be that you get more for less, Toshiba cannot push water uphill....

AM - is NAND manufacturing as efficient as it's going to get or is there still room to make the manufacturing process more efficient?

Theres still more room so even with a spike in price due to the product drop the ending outcome in X months time will still always be cheaper product for the size.
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