If you're going to ride like an idiot...

Aye, its bad enough on the bike at time but at least a big orange KTM has a presence. When i am on my pushbike its 5 times worse. 50% of car drivers really need to be taken off the road imo.

Bikers make better car drivers, simple as that.
Riding style doesn't change just because you have a helmet-cam.

If I knew I was recording my self driving, I'd think twice.

if they were regularly turned into the police it would certainly result in staggering amounts of car drivers being banned sure.

It definitely would and that would be a good thing for everyone but it would also remove a lot more bikers and they would realise how stupid that think biker campaign they target car drivers is.

Why would you though - fear of the police seeing the footage? I'm sure I'm not the only one whose riding style doesn't change at all just because of a camera on the helmet or dashboard of the car. Course you get your idiots that record themselves, but they're idiots even without the camera!

"Think Biker" applies to everybody on the road.
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But making drivers ride a motorcycle for a day and experience life as a vulnerable road user sure would.
I think it would also result in more Summer idiots thinking they can just pass a test, hop on a Fireblade or Daytona and have licence to filter at 80, under/over/side/whatever-take cars, pop wheelies, do 130 in a 40 and park wherever they like. I'm currently trying do 'wise up' a number of our Middle Management types who have gotten bored of their BMWs and done exactly as above!

Bikers make better car drivers, simple as that.
As a biker, I'd question that... My Mrs is just as bad in a big, heavy, slow Mercedes as on a fast, nippy, easy-handling bike and I reckon I will make a ******* AWFUL car driver. I've not even managed to get far enough to pass the car test yet!!
My Dad was the same - Astoundingly skillful professional HGV driver, god-awful in a car.
Being a bike rider just makes me a very very impatient car driver, drives the misses nuts :D

I don't resort to road rage, abuse or anything like that but I get annoyed very easily when people doodle along or take forever to do simple manoeuvres, stuff which I know if I was on the bike I would not have to deal with :D
If I knew I was recording my self driving, I'd think twice.

It definitely would and that would be a good thing for everyone but it would also remove a lot more bikers and they would realise how stupid that think biker campaign they target car drivers is.


Oh god no cameras on bikes would ban more car drivers than bikes especially helmet cams as we all look in your windows as your on your phone e or trying to eat your dinner while driving ad we pass

and the think bike thing is because car drivers are looking for an absence of cars not the presence of bikes.

The day they add a requirement for you to do evasive maneuvers at speed to the driving test you can complain about bikes. Till then though it's there because car drivers regularly endanger the lives of motorcyclists most fatalities for bikes are right of way violations by other vehicles
When I got banned for 7 days for speeding (96mph in a 60mph, open road 10am Sunday zero cars on road, but the law is the law before anyone starts)... I was wearing a lid cam... just for fun really, never showed the speedo or anything... and you can't really see what speed I was or wasn't doing.

However there's pros and cons... accidents caused by other riders/cars... you'll have proof... you could get done for speeding because 99% of all the bikers on this forum break the law on a daily basis... and no point denying it because I won't believe you lol.

The one thing I always do, always stick to 30 in 30's and 40 in 40's and around built up areas... something I really do stick to... but on the open road, middle of Wales? Different story... there's a difference on whether you think riding quickly is dangerous or riding stupidly is dangerous... I personally think that although speed causes accidents... doing 80 on an open road in the middle of knowwhere is less dangerous than hestiant riding at 30mph in a 50!

if you porposely ride like a knob, then throw away the key.
you could get done for speeding because 99% of all the bikers on this forum break the law on a daily basis... and no point denying it because I won't believe you lol.
I must be the 1%...
Come try out the traffic I usually have to ride in then, on the big-ass heavy bike I ride and if you can manage to break the speed limit, without crashing, I'll give you a BIG cookie!!

I personally think that although speed causes accidents... doing 80 on an open road in the middle of knowwhere is less dangerous than hestiant riding at 30mph in a 50!
Speed 'may' be a contributing factor, but it's never a cause. There's a bunch of statistics somewhere that show how something like under 10% of all road accidents involved speeding. It's more down to a speed appropriate for the situation.
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