Was there a promised date/schedule for SDK?
Promised? of course not, planned, yes: http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?p=292905#post292905
Like I said, just another failed expectation given by Luthier, I'm well aware of slippage and that things go wrong, what I cannot condone is the continual posting of arbitary deadlines that just get missed again and again, why bother ever giving even a rough schedule? It's retarded, say when and if it gets finished and be done with it.
Posted March 6th 2011
Luthier said:Other things that are in the pipeline:
* Sound. This is probably the biggest issue we're facing. We're taking a very drastic approach to the issue and pretty much redoing our sound from scratch. This means you won't see the new sound for a few more months.
* FPS. The final remaining performance issues, which fortunately are comparatively minor, lie very deep in the engine, and require us to do a significant amount of work. Probably at least 2 months of it.
* Online stability, more anti-cheating controls, and server and aircraft SDK - also a few months out. Dedicated Server SDK and documentation is probably going to be done the quickest.
Posted 17th October 2011
Luthier said:Our main priorities now are:
1. Physics and FM. This means plane behavior in the air, brand new landing gear model on the ground, collision modeling including tree collision (if performance allows), and improved vehicle physics.
2. AI. Currently working on everyone’s favorite controls flutter and AI wingman behavior. Also working on improving radio comms, getting your crew to be more verbose on the intercom, and lots of other changes. Coupled with #1, this should give us quite a dramatic change in how air combat looks and feels.
3. Performance. We are in final stages of testing a thorough overhaul of the game’s graphic engine. It won’t look any different but it will be much more streamlined. It’s too early to say what the FPS increase will be in the final version, but it shouldn’t be less than 50%.
4. Sound. The sound in the v15950 is considered a beta. We will continue to improve existing sound, and to add new ones to the aircraft and to the world around them.
5. SDK. As promised earlier, still planning to release a map-making SDK in the near future. More details will be released when we are ready for them.
Posted 9th May 2011
Luthier said:It would obviously be unbelievably dumb for us to abandon CoD half-finished and to expect any kind of a success with a sequel (which is what the screenshots are from). Our future success depends on making customers like you happy.
Well, from what I've been reading we've been left with, amongst other issues, allied fighters that cannot fly through cloud due to engine issues, silent hits on Hurricanes, no chance whatsoever of playing if you're running W8 and what seems ike a good chance of launcher crashes if the game even launches for you. Not that I'd actually know, I've only played with the final patch for about ten minutes due to time constraints

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