IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

19 Dec 2006
Just a heads up for those who may have missed it, Oleg has been posting updates and answering a lot of questions again over the last three or four weeks with what appears to be continual updates like we used to get with IL2 :D

Main news thread here:

Foo'bar has a great site up with updates too in case the 1c servers get overloaded:

and a nice teaser image from in game:

I don't know about sometime soon but Oleg has stated he has to have the initial release out next year, I know he's made similar statements before and changed them but it's quite a relief to see some proper updates and discussion happening, I can't wait :)
Superb! Will definitely be getting this even though I have no means to play it other than a keyboard and mouse. This has taken them years.. SOmething I dont understand - is the time frame purely 1940?

Get some peripherals, sims can get so immersive with the right kit, it's awesome!

The engine is being designed to be used as a base for various expansions, there is already a Korea sim in development (though it's on hold while everybody works on getting BoB out the door) using the SoW engine, so initially we'll have 1940 BoB with more to follow.
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HOTAS of some sort, Saitek, CH Products, Logitech, plenty of them around, OcUK do a pretty good selection, rudder pedals for the full control feeling and a TrackIR or a webcam and Freetrack for view control.

If you were closer I'd say pop round and have a go but it's a little far :D
Well Oleg's been keeping us informed with weekly updates since I started this thread, followed by a fair amount of Q & A sessions after, gotta love developers who take the time to do that :D

Teaser from this weeks update, DX9 and still unfinished, Oleg says DX11 is going to look best :)

I've never played a flight sim before but used to love dog fights in bf1942. Might have to try this. Is it easy to pick up and play or does it take ages to learn?

Well it's not out yet so... :)

If you're interested buy yourself a copy of IL2 Sturmovik 1946 which is available on either Steam or from for some ridiculous price, patch it up and head on to this thread:

for some pointers :)
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Comment from Luthier over on the official 1C forums:

Also, I'm very glad to see most of you guys like the Spitfire video. It was actually a real 100% honest leak that we didn't expect. Both me and Oleg felt that it was still not polished enough to be released, and in any case I would have wanted to splice it up with some outside views, fly a little better, etc.

Now I guess we have to do videos more often, because a handful of screenshots just won't be the same anymore...

Sounds like more vids from here on in :cool:

Not polished enough though?!?!?!? :eek:

Dammit, I'm getting all excited again lol :D
I was gona give 'Wings of Prey' another go as I spent £30 on it but that Spitfire video has convinced me not to bother, it will never come close to what I wanted it to be. Watching that short video is enough for me to know SoW:BoB is what I'm waiting for.

If Gaijin keep patching WoP at their current rate and keep listening to the userbase then it'll be worth playing again for sure, the question is will they be able to get it into a playable simulation state before Oleg gets his masterpiece out of the gates... either way I know I'll be having a week off when Storm of War finally lands on my doormat :D
We can but hope that the lack of any updates via UBI's forums and websites means they no longer have anything to do with it, hopefully Oleg will self publish so we can send our money direct to him and his team.
I personally would pay the premium to have this happen, Oleg and the team deserve the cash upfront without any middle men taking cuts and what not, not often ill say that about game/sim devs.

Agreed, this is the one upcoming release (and pretty much the only upcoming release that has me at all interested in keeping a pc for gaming... ok ok simming!!!) that I'd happily pay over the odds for and put up with whatever DRM Oleg deems fit for it, I'd protest if it's something nasty but it wont stop me buying it on day of release, hell I'll admit it, I'd be sad and queue for a midnight opening if it was to happen :)
A DRM like Silent Hunter 5 or Rise of Flight, will have me running a mile from this, but I don't think Oleg would be that silly.

Maybe it'll be something like Rise of Flight has now, offline and online components, just hope that whatever is used doesn't impact sales too badly and that it does sell, used to really annoy me seeing all the pirates in hyperlobby.

If he goes for something like the Wings of Prey/DCS/Lock On System, I'd be happy enough. That said, I'll be getting it on release day too, However I won't be queuing :)


I am so going to be having a few days off on release :D
I'm also very much looking forward to this. The release has been pushed back for years but as I understand it it's definitely coming out this year as Oleg will run out of money otherwise. I suspect that may mean we'll get a slightly rough-around the edges product at release date. Not a problem though, because this is an Oleg Maddox sim - which means it will be incredibly well supported and will not only be patched up comprehensively (if anything's broken) but will also be considerably expanded in terms of additional maps and aircraft for free. Just like the IL-2 series.

Take that with a pinch of salt though, Oleg also stated he had to release a couple of years ago due to financial isues too, no idea what changed but something obviously did.

I hope it's a tremendous commercial success, it deserves to be. Though with flightsims being a niche market nowadays I know that's a tad unrealistic.

With the death (by that I mean the fact that there will be no more) of Microsofts FS series Oleg has a great opportunity and I am sure he is very well aware of it, as he keeps saying this is the engine for a whole host of sims, not just BoB.

I really hope Oleg will be able to release this on September 15th or thereabouts. Releasing it right on the 70th anniversary will allow the game to ride a wave of publicity.

Too right.
This weeks update looks pretty awesome, remember folks this is a flight sim :eek:

WIP. Movements, colors of grass, leafs, etc are still not tuned. Was tuned but with the last changes of physics lights laws need to be tuned again. Later.

Latest update from Oleg, he is still sticking to a pretty much weekly update schedule for us which rocks :)

I've reduced the size from 1920x1080 just for the sake of keeping the thread readable, you should sign up to 1C's forum if you want to see the full size images as reducing them has had the effect of smoothing all the jaggies and loosing a lot of detail too, all still work in progress of course :)








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